Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"everything we had" the academy is...


the reson i can't post the thousands of notes i have in bennett's pov is because they'll ruin th whole story. but i might start posting band interviews of Red Letter Day or just one-shots of life when they're older. i actually have a piece of a little "what if" and it's pretty cool to write. it's pretty realistic actually. i think.

but there is a lot happening with a certain favorite band of mine and as an active member of the "boards" i have my copy of their new ep preordered and i'm assuming it will cause a jump in inspiration for "last place" so hopefully it will be done eventually.


i'm going to write.

edit: i am POSITIVE there will be a burst of "last place" around sept. 29th. oh.my.god. i'm.... oh god. in love.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aww, I actually wouldn't really mind reading tons of Bennett's POV than Elisa's. But pshh, whatever. lol. I probably need more estrogen-y POVs anyways. To make me feel less ... manly. Haha.


Yeah, haha. Anyways, I hope you get inspired when you get the new CD. I dunno if I should buy it too. Or preorder. Cause its like $5. But then again, I can just be evil and download it off the internet later. :X

Woo. I can't wait for September 29th... or around September 29th. Last Place.
