Friday, September 4, 2009

"something that produces results" the early november


i've done a little writing here and there. a ton of notes lately for "last place" but what about new stories? well, i've been avoiding "at the bottom" and i'm a little hesitant about "all we ever needed" because it's been a little rushed. i mean i skipped over a month already which is like a major "oof" moment for me. and then "perfect kisses" is still dead to me. i'm writing out some paul pov's and some bennett pov's too and then sean's. which is pretty fun. i like his pov a lot because it's really annoyed and envious and angsty like bennett's but more choppy and less cheesy. then i might try out becky's pov because she is undergoing major changes. i'll post one maybe now. if i have a good one.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i was looking at this girl's ipod.
and she had a song by the early november. and that instantly reminded me of you. but i just smiled and kept looking through her library.

anyways. i hope you get everything sorted out and post something. or yeah, get sorted out?

... get well soon.

i dont know what to say, haha.