Thursday, September 17, 2009

sean's pov ---- jonah's house/bennett's house

Jonah was getting drunk. I could tell. There wasn't much of a difference from normal Jonah and drunk Jonah except when he's drunk he talks less. When he's high he just sits on the ground and stares at fixed points. I was walking by when I heard it. "Eh-lisa Lor-en!"

Bennett was playing downstairs so I didn't feel a need to play the role of protecting him. I walked towards the door and she was standing there alone "Hi," She said quietly.

"What is new?" He asked leaning against the door.

I walk closer and see that her face is flushed and she has been crying. "Nothing," She says. "Um, is Bennett here?" She points in towards the party.

I walk up. "I wouldn't talk to him if I were you," I said. She looks at me and suddenly she shrinks back. "He's not doing too good. He's down there playing depressing Dashboard and Alkaline... if you're here to talk to him about whatever, I'm sorry."

She looks down. "Oh," She says quietly.

Then Jonah puts a hand on my chest. He looks at her. "I'll let you in," He says. "Depending on what your intentions are."

She looks at him, and she blushes instantly. "I just," She loses what she's saying. "I just broke up with Nathan."

Jonah pushes me back and steps out of the way. He ushers her in and she steps in awkwardly looking around. "Come on," He says. He starts down the stairs after shutting the door. Bennett is packing up and people are avoiding him. He's pretty pissed off and emo right now. He shuts his case and sips the water bottle in his hand. I don't know if it's liquor or water or both but he stands up and Jonah waves at him.

He makes eye contact with me and then his eyes move in Elisa's direction and he just nods at Jonah and me and walks away. I look at Elisa who is just watching him. "Sorry," Jonah says. "He's not that happy of a camper."

She looks down and tucks hair behind her ear. "Okay," She says. "Um, thanks though, for letting me in."

"No problem," Jonah says. I watch her but the door opposite the room opens and closes with Bennett slipping out with Jonah's guitar to keep it in the sound room. Elisa starts up the stairs and I watch her.

It's stupid and it'll just make more of a mess but I call after her. "Hey," She turns. "He's leaving now and walking home probably. You can probably catch him if you want to."

She pauses. "Thanks," She says quietly to me. And I turn around. Jonah sighs throwing an arm around my shoulder. "The things we do for Bennett fucking Williams." He sighs.

I roll my eyes. "I don't know why I bother," I said moving my arm around Jonah as a joke. "He's cool and shit but God, his love life's wearing me down."

"What even happened with her?" Jonah asks. "They had sex didn't they?"

"If only," I roll my eyes. "He's still a virgin- just found out him and Rainie never did anything. I have no idea why he's so pissed off." I pull my arm away.

"She is pretty," Jonah says. "And a Sunday Drive hardcore- that lead singer of Sunday Drive was eating her up at the show. She's more obsessed than Bennett."

I raise my eyebrows. "Ten bucks he ignores her," I say.

"Ten bucks she takes his virginity," Jonah says smirking.

"He wishes," I go up to get a beer. Jeremy's walking in with a backpack. He points behind him.

"Bennett and the girl are out there," He said. "Well, she's trying to keep up with him."

I turn around to Jonah. "Give me those ten bucks," I said. "He speed walks like a motherfucker." Jonah sighs and reaches into his back pocket and gets out a wad of cash he got from the keg an hour ago. He hands me a soggy ten and I pocket it. I feel bad for Elisa, but theirs no second-chances in Bennett's books.

By the end of the night I don't get any pissed off Bennett phone calls. I don't hear from him again. That means he's sulking. I don't really give a shit. I'll deal with it tomorrow. I smoke a few bowls with Jeremy only to wake up the next morning in Jonah's basement not even remembering anything about last night other than I should have a voicemail from Bennett.

Jonah jumps on top of me. "I'm going to visit Bennett," He says. "Wanna' come?"

I sigh getting up. "No," I say. My head doesn't hurt and Jonah never gets hung over. Jeremy's passed out next to me.

"Come on," He says. "I stole your wallet while you were sleeping." I reach back and pat my pockets. He did. Not surprising...

"Then you'll buy us IHOP as we try and emotionally re-stabilize him. I say we buy him a prositute too or a stripper or something. He needs to get some fucking balls sooner or later." He pulls me up to my feet. "You can just talk Ellen up while I pick up our shattered little boy and get him some deep fried mother fucking pancakes."

I run a hand through my hair. "Come on," I say. We walk over to his house and it's a short walk. I'm pretty sure I won the bet no matter what. His car is parked in the driveway with Ellen's and it's freezing. We go into the house.

"Hello?" Ellen calls fromthe kitchen.

"Ellen!" Jonah calls. "Where's my second favorite tenant in the Williams household?"

I see her come out drying a dish off. "He's still asleep," She says smiling. Ellen looks about twenty but she's really thirty seven or eight. She lowers her voice. "What's wrong with him?"

Sometimes I forget this is his mother. I forget she gave birth to him like seventeen years ago. I walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter as Jonah takes the stairs. "Elisa Loren," I say.

There is a moment when she pouts a little. I wish my mom was like this. "That's a shame, she was my favorite." She said.

I nod and then I hear Jonah's voice from Bennett's room. I sigh and Ellen and I both start for the stairs. We make it and head up. "You have to get up," She says to Bennett.

He groans and whines about going to bed at four. He's not hung over. He's just pissy. I blast music and he just groans getting up to shut it off. Jonah is insinuating he goes after Elisa but I can tell. I sigh and take out the ten bucks from my pocket when Bennett isn't looking. I give ti to Jonah. "I'll give you free coffee," I said. "Give me my wallett back."

Jonah hands it to me and I shove it down my back pocket.

"So," Jonah starts. "You and Elisa... you guys heading for Rainie and Paul's status?"

Bennett ignores us and goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth. "We're going ot IHOP." Jonah announces.

"You are," He said. "I'm going to Carol's."

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm going with Elisa," He says.

"Wow..." Jonah starts. "You ditch me already fro some chick who likes a band you like... wow. What ever happened to bros before Elisa?"

Bennett just rolls his eyes and goes downstairs and gets some coffee. I follow him. This is better than picking up his mess.


wrtoe a wek ago in twenty minutes. pretty fast-paced and lacking there of detail. hah. sorry.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Haha, this was a little confusing. But I'm guessing this was when Jonah was going all crazy and jumping on Bennett's bed?

Anyways, I like Sean. He's ... different.

And I so thought it was hot when Jonah shoved his wallet back in his pocket.