Friday, March 19, 2010



Read Oedipus Rex. It's Greek Theatre, but it's helping me figure out my life right now. It's about a king- Oedipus who was gived his fate and did all he could to avoid it. He ended up living up to what was predicted because of his strongest inner flaw. But did he make the decicision to unintentionally make the oracle come true? Or did fate make the decision for him?

I like a boy I've never met. He likes Modest Mouse and The Shins and Radiohead. He makes me feel butterflies. He makes me feel self-concious. I'm not that outgoing and I'm rarely insecure. We make eye contact a lot. He is perfect from afar.

The reason I'm saying all of this:

If I like this boy so much and see us talking and getting along from what I already know about him... is that my oracle? And if I'm trusting what I've learned from the story of Oedipus Rex, should I be the master of my own destiny and try to talk to him maybe once? Should I fight fate in hopes of overcoming it and reaching my oracle which I predicted myself? Or should I wait for fate to force me in his direction if that's fate's plan?

I don't know. I just know what I feel.

But he likes the Shins.

In love? Me? Never. A cynic? Me? Never. Us? Together?!?! Friends?!? Maybe.

He does like the Shins.

I'll stop spewing my nonsense and try writing something.
I'll try writing something listening to "New Slang" by the Shins on repeat.

But oh my lanta. He likes the Shins.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aww Jasey.
You should go for him. Like talk to him. Cause he sounds perfect for you.

Maybe if it works out you can write an autobiographical love story. ;)