Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sean's POV ------- setting: peterson high school

I saw Jeremy. He was hunched over eating while Jonah was talking beside him to one of Jeremy's friends. I don't know where Jeremy gets all fo these friends but they are always from completely random groups. This kid is one of those indie rock hipsters, I think his name is Miles or whatever.

I set my tray down across from Jonah and climb onto the bench next to Miles. He doesn't look over he just continues to listen to Jonah go on and on about someone. In a few minutes I know he's going on about Steve. Who else would be talking about anyways?

Jonah doesn't even stop to take a breath. He just keep talking and talking. He isn't eating today that's why. He's telling stories he's told a million times too many. They used to be cool or funny but now they're just annoying.

"He's into Sunday Drive, right?" The kid cuts in.

Then Jonah pauses. "Have you guys ever talked about music?" Jonah says laughing a little. "They're all he fucking talks about. He's obsessed with them." I look over at the kid Miles. "You know Bennett, right? He's into them too. They each make up fifty percent of the Sunday Drive fanbase here."

I look down at my lunch. Another Sunday Drive conversation.

"Actually," He says. "The reason I'm asking is because I hang around with this girl who listens to them too and her and Steven started hanging out, I think. I'm not sure, we're not that close, but I heard them talking about the band. I was just wondering what was up with them."

Then is all started clicking. It all snapped into place. I looked at Jonah waiting for him to look at me and piece it together too. Instead he kept talking. I ate my lunch in silence. It all made sense to me.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Uhh. What?
Jonah has a crush?
Or... something else.
