Thursday, August 20, 2009


Sunday Drive
I wanted to make up a band for Elisa and Bennett to be obsessed with. I owe all of my love to music to The Early November so this band is more or less the Early November in fictional form. The name is from my favorite Early November song and it's the first song I ever identified Bennett with. But later my image of Sunday Drive turned into the band Brand New. The songs I describe are basically my opinions on my favorite Brand New songs although the life and death of the fictional band Sunday Drive is parallel if not exactly the same as the life and death of The Early November when it comes to years and where I pinpoint events in my stories.

A bounce off of Sarah Dessen and her Waffle House that later turned into something I could directly link to my main inspiration for these stories AKA a certain album from a certain favorite band of mine. Plus my love for their chocolate chip pancakes and my boredom with strawberries and whipped cream.

Bennett Williams
To be honest I'm changing his last name if I can or his name completely. Why? Because it lines up to exactly with my main inspiration for his character. One of the reasons these stories are changing a lot is because I relied to much on my inspiration for a plot so I'm changing so much in these stories as they have grown to much as original stories to be purly "fan-fiction" pieces and rip-offs on real life. But the acoustic project is too main of a part for me to surrender and the song-writing also of Bennett cannot be taken out.

Jonah's Engery Shot Abuse
To annoy my mother at Office Max I read all the details of one of those "five hour energy shots" outloud to her and was actually interested in them. As you can see my original intention of Jonah was just to be a friend and for Sean to be more of a part BUT as I started concieving the idea of one day taking twenty-four hours worths of five hour energy shots I decided to add them ot his character making him much more flambouyant and Jonah-esque and suprisingly everyone loves him and I do as well.

Kerrington in a Whole
I was listening to "Fast Times at Barrington High" by the Academy Is... for the first time and came up with the scene I remember posting of a punk-rocker and a personality-less girl liking him and having a boyfriend. Rainie and Paul came to be out of nowhere. The night under the streetlight was when I first came up with Rainie as the pretty ex-girlfriend whose in love. That's when Paul and Rainie caught my attention. But the two high school thing was a real-life thing I stole and added to it.

Carol's Coffeeshop
I'm fascinated by coffee-shops. I love them. I wish I could drink coffee. Having Elisa work there was natural and the jelly donuts were just something I had on my mind because I used to love the Dunkin Donuts jelly donuts.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

"sunday drive"
im pretty sure i said this before. but i thought sunday drive was a real band at first. i googled them and saw songs and not bands so i just gave up. haha.

... Sunday Drive! lol, they're even from dallas. interesting.

i thought you based that off wow. which is cool. pancakes are yummy, i hadn't had them in a long time.

"bennett williams"
okay. this is more of a personal reason. but you can't change his name! i love his name. i mean, i know you based him off william beckett. but whatever, i love his last name. i love his name. you cant change it. im already going crazy with elisa's new last name (nathan is okay. i dont care about him lol).

im like ocd sometimes. like changes really bother me. i have a hard time adjusting to change. i always end up moving things back or something of that sort. like, my room. if i were to move my desk. i would go crazy for awhile before getting used to it. maybe i'll get used to bennett's new name but gah. bennett williams is an amazing name. i really dont want you to change it.

"jonahs energy shot abuse"
jonah is amazing. i dont know why, but he's just so ... amazing. guys always like try to keep their cool and act cool and stuff. jonah is just way out there and full of energy.

"kerrington as a whole"
haha, i knew kerrington. the name. was based of barrington. with you academy is obsession and everything. but yeah, you making up that whole city and schools is pretty amazing. over here. there's like 20 middle schools and 10 high schools and even more elementary schools. only if i lived in a smaller city ... that would be great. but yeah, everything's bigger in texas. when i grow up i wanna move to new england. its just one of those things i've always wanted. or somewhere on the east coast. i never been on the east coast. i wanna see a snow storm -- i haven't seen one in years. damn global warming or whatever the crap is stopping the snow from snowing on my birthday.

"carol's coffeeshop"
i love coffee. :)