Tuesday, August 11, 2009


i'm moving to a mountain for a couple days. i won't have any internet or food or anything. hunting cougars- you know, and what not. how the homies in montana roll. but i'll be back on the air in a little while. i'll have a lot lot lot to post but for now i'm going to delete a couple chapters and write a little more. you know how it is.

but if i never make it back- a mountain lion killed me.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

aha nice, sounds fun. i never really been up north. except to minnesota but that was pretty lame. southern states rule, woo. go texas!

so yeah, i hope you have fun hunting cougars and not being attacked by mountain lions. or being killed by 'em. that would suck. lol.

so ahem, don't die. be safe. have fun. etcetc.

i cant wait to read the rewrites!