Monday, August 10, 2009

"show me what i'm looking for" carolina liar


super inspired by my visit to my school next year. hello high school. for what? excited for what? "last place" and only "last place."

a lot's going ot change but i'm thinking about issuing a rewrite. being that i'll write and then delete a chunk of chapters and then rewrite them and post em again. it's all a jumbled tangled mess. i have a slight idea where i'm going but rainie's so bi-polar. arghhhs. not helping "perfect kisses" whatsoever.

so is a rewrite a bad idea? should i unhook my internet? should i stop thinking in terms of tetris? YES!


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i think you've gone crazy.

but that's fine. crazy people are pimp. (;

and as usual,
SUPER EXCITED for last place anddd perfect kisses.