Sunday, August 23, 2009

"gone for good" william beckett covering the shins.


what do you think about my new story? it's pretty fun to write. i just rewrite rewrite rewrite and then i get her voice down and the characters right. the first letter was written over and over again like four times. this chapter's harder because i lovelovelove this character i took from my first chapter and added like fifty pounds to.

but i'm going to post some one-shots. what do you want? like a story about after high school? a what-if story? how about an after college story about bennett and elisa? circa their 20s. or do you want swapped povs? writing around the place helps me out heaps.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i love the new story. its has so much of a more mature style of writing. and the theme is more mature! i like it, i love it. i want more. i cant wait for more.

and one shots. i love them. i'd love bennett povs. and an after college story? anything elisa/bennett is love for me. just anything is good. but, i am most fond of bennett pov's though. ;)

bennett pov's with jonah. haha. yesss.