Saturday, September 26, 2009

"califone" anthony green


so i was going ot sit down today and start writing up a storm. turns out... my computer's all effed up. i have two in my computer room so one- with all my writing pieces- is sitting next to me and the other is in use. this only had the past "perfect kisses" and i'm going ot reread it a little. but it means 2 things.

no "last place." no "at the bottom."

potentially: a lot of "all we ever needed" and "perfect kisses."

i'm also reading a lot and messing around with my guitar too. i'm taking up photography and painting again. basically i'm being extremely creative and everything with no inspiration but i'm digging all this new music. i bought some albums- check out dashboard confessional's live unplugged mtv album. it'll blow your mind. i bought the CD/DVD for like four bucks at a record store and need ot sit down and watch it but i shouldn't listen to it. it always makes me write "last place" stuff.

anyways. happy fall. i love fall so much :)



never-explore said...



But Perfect Kisses, yess! All We Ever Needed, yess! Its like a ... lose-win? Ehh, doesn't matter. As long as I get something.

AND I GOT THOSE BOOKS. I'm so excited. I already finished Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (and holy fuck. Definitely Elisa&Bennett on crack. But I love it. But haha, I can't help it but feel that it was rushed even though the whole book was freaking 2 days?). And, even though this wasn't on your list, I got and finished This Lullaby. AND THAT IS EPIC RAINIE&PAUL. Or mainly Rainie cause Rainie is soo Remy. With the no love thing and the sleeping with guys thing. And then its also like somewhat Elisa&Bennett with Remy like saying she's going to college and that she's gonna end up breaking up with him because he's gonna be all famous and stuff? I think. Gah. I got Looking for Alaska too but I hadn't read it yet. The book kind of intimidates me since the text is all small and creepy. Wee. Perks of a Wallflower-- hadn't got that. Some bitch checked it out already. But I have it on hold! :D

ANYYWAYYS. I got excited there a little. I been sick so I've been reading. And now I probably have alot of crap to make up at school. FML.

Yeah, okay. Anyways.

You're like. A freaking art-freak. With the painting and drawing and the picture taking and the writing and music making and the ... are you a poet? Yeah, I bet you are. xD

But you're like really right brained. Which is awesome because I don't know many right-brained people. I wanna be right-brained. But I'm a left by one point, haha. I tend to switch sides every few days. Cause I'm just so fucking bipolar like that.

Gah, I ramble too much.

This is what happens I go through interweb withdrawal.

I'll check out the Dashboard album. Online and steal it off a site since my mom doesn't like me buying CDs. She's always like, "Pff, why can't you just download it off the web?"

Hate her.

Happy Fall!

But I hate fall. Over here, it goes straight from bloody hot to freaking cold. Everyone is sick with the flu. Including me. Maybe its swine flu. But I hadn't barf of shitted liquid poop so nawtt.

I like winter better.
Because the first day of winter is my birthday.

Keep that in mind Jasey Ray. ;)

never-explore said...


I made it for you. :)

Jasey Ray said...

ahh thats so cool :) i always love pictures when they are edited like that. you are sick at that hahah :)
thank you for showing me it's my computer background