Friday, September 11, 2009

bennett's pov - setting: bennett's bedroom (***not as dirty as it seems)

Saturday was my day to sleep in. I was lying there passed out and before I knew it I woke up to the worst of alarm clocks. I didn't even hear anything I just felt someone jump on top of me and pin me down on my bed. "Guess." Multiple slaps were planted in my face. "What. I. Heard."

I moved my arm up placing my elbow on his chest and pushing him off of me. "Jonah, what the fuck," I hissed. "Get out, right now." He moved off of me tumbling onto my floor. I saw his head pop up and he started ripping off my sheets.

"No," He said. "You need all the scheeming and charm you can muster, because guess who got dumped last night?"

I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. It wasn't that I didn't put two and two together, I was just exhausted. I just wanted to sleep. Sleep. I need. Sleep. I rolled over and instantly he sat on my bed bouncing up and down making it to it was uncomfortable and impossible to sleep whatsoever. I lifted my head and heard Sean and my mother talking.

"Fuck you," I mumbled.

"Nope," He said. "Not Paul Spinella... but you're close... well not really, but you know... just guess dude."

I'm not going to guess. I didn't say that outloud. Sleep. I wanted to sleep. I went to bed at what? Four at the earliest, I don't even remember. Then I remembered why. I smiled a little and moved my head to the side and breathed. Jonah kept bouncing. "Guess, guess, guess, guess," He said over and over again. I didn't need to fucking guess. I needed three more hours of sleep. Just three. More. Hours.

I heard footsteps come upstairs. Sean came in and then my mother. "Bennett, honey," She said. "You need to get up, don't you have work today?"

"No," I groaned. "I went to sleep at like four... can't I just have one or two more hours?" I was whining like a little kid. I was exhausted. Sean went over to my stereo and started blasting whatever I had in.

"Did you tell him?" He yelled over the music.

"He's not guessing," He said.

I rolled onto my back rubbing my eyes. "Guys," I said. They kept yelling over the music. "Guys... guys!" I sat up and they looked at me.

"What?" Sean said. I got up and turned down the music.

"I know," I said.

"Know what?" Jonah asked. "I didn't even tell you."

I rubbed my eye again. "Is the person I'm guessing a guy or a girl?" I asked. My arms dropped to my sides.

"Dude," Jonah said crossing his legs onto my bed.

"****** *****," I said. And he stared at me.

"Bennett Charles Williams," Jonah said. I didn't ghave a middle name so he made it up most of the time. But he grinned. "What, did you turn on the scheming and the charm last night?"

I shook my head. "Nope," I said. "I'm dating someone. I don't need to start flirting with anyone else."

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Him and his jumpy'ness. I literally lol'ed when he started jumping on Bennett.

"****** *****"
... Nathan Pratt?
I think that was his last name. It just suddenly hit me so I'm not sure if thats the right last name. I know it used to be like Dave Manvilerfsfe. Whatever. But I think I'm close!

Ah, I love this. And Jonah, Jonah made this extra special. :)