Friday, October 2, 2009

sean's.elisa's pov ---- show: jonah meets elisa

sean's pov

i stood there as jonah threw his head back taking another energy shot. i stared at him and he just licked his lips and threw the little container onto the ground. "you are going to have aheart attack," bennett said looking at him.

"forever young, bitch," jonah said throwing his arms up. bennett rolled his eyes and i crossed my arms. then all of a sudden bennett looked off. i turned to see what he was staring at.

"what?" jonah said.

i snickered. "that's the girl." i said.

"no shit?" jonah said. "where?"

"short, skinny, saves the day shirt..." i said.

"fuck you," bennett said to me because instantly the girl and her friends went into the crowd and then jonah went after them. "jonah!" he started going after him but jonah was already in the crowd. i laughed and bennett shot me a look.

this was going ot be fucking hilarious.

elisa's pov

... a kid bumped into me really hard on my shoulder. i looked at him and he was looking right at me. "sorry," he said smiling. he was a little taller than me. he had sand-colord hair and really green eyes. he kept looking at me. i remembered seeing him with bennett sometimes but i didn't know his name. "you're elisa loren, right?"

i froze. my face turned red and i swallowed. "um," i said. i felt cass beside me watching. my stomach jumped threatening to make me to lose the jelly donut from Carol's any second. "yeah?" i said.

he smiled and held his hand out. "i'm jonah," he said. my hands were shaking. how did he know my name? were people talking about me. i took his hand and shook it and he gripped it for an extra second. "you like saves the day?" he smiled bigger looking at me.

"um, yeah," i said remembering my shirt.

"good taste," he said. "i fucking love them."

i nodded. this was so uncomfortable. i felt sick. someone knew me? they never knew my name. nobody knew i ever existed. if he was friends with bennett i couldn't even start to think all the stuff he knew about me that were completely awful. i couldn't keep my personal life personal. i blabbed my life story to the first person to find me drunk on a porch. i wanted to just be invisible. who was this kid anyways?

he started saying something really fast. i only caught then end because it was such a jumbled mess. "...likes you is all," he said.

"excuse me?" i said softly, my eyebrows went up.

"what?" he said back to me leaning closer. this was so awkward. i didn't even know this kid.

"what did you say?" i sort of yelled in his ear. the room was getting louder.

"bennett williams," he said. "he's my friend and shit. he's told me about you and stuff. i'm not weird." i swallowed hard and nodded. i felt my cheeks burn. i looked down and this kid passed in between me and jonah.

"gotta' go," he said. "but want me to tell bennett you said hi?"

"he's here?" i asked looking at him.

he smiled. "okay i will," he said. and he rushed back from where he came. my back heated up like it always does. i just embarrassed myself yet again. i looked back over at cass who just watched the kid walk away. "what a creep," she said. "i hate when random guys come up to me just to show off."

i nodded looking forward. i felt my cheeks still burning. this was completely terrible. the world was out to get me.


never-explore said...

"no shit"

That is my fucking word. Or phrase. Whatever. This is why me and Jonah are meant to be.

Oh shit, I'm crushing over a fictional character. Its like... Edward Cullen all over. Hahh. Except Jonah is nothing like Edward. I hate Edward now. Gahh, it feels weird knowing that I used to like him. But that was 6th grade. I've grown. :)

Elisa's reaction was hilarious. So realistic. But poor Elisa. I feel the same way when ... some random guy talks to me. But like, I mean my back gets all hot and I'm nervous and gross. But yeah, this is awesome. Realistic and shizz. Oh Jonah.

never-explore said...


God my memory is so bad. I'm like freaking Dory (Finding Nemo?) and its like lol. I hate it. My brain shuts down on me a lot.

Okay so before I forget again,
I need more book recommendations. I have no idea what to read since I finished those books you recommended before. Except Perks of a Wallflower, I hadn't gotten that yet. But yeah. More more more.

Jasey Ray said...

Okay... :) hahah

"Paper Towns" John Green - It's a mystery. Nerdy Q is neighbors with popular and legendary Margo Roth Speigleman and she shows up in his house dressed as a ninja and takes him out for the night of his life and changes his life perspective forever.

"Speak" Laurie Anderson(sp?) - Girl calls police on a party and becomes the most hated isolated student in the high school. Amazing. There's a movie (never seen it) but it's probably amazing. Anderson is such a badass writer. I have a special addition with an interview. She's a badass to me haha.

"Hard Love" (Forget Author) - Boy wants to write a zine like this girl (Marisol) and ends up meeting her. She's a lesbian. I forget all the names :\ but it was reallyreallyreally good.

"Before I Die" Downham (Author?) - Tess has terminal luekemia and wants to complete a list of things to do before she dies including love, drugs, and fame. So sad, but inspires me a lot.

There was one more... I had a really good one. I totally forget it. I'll re-comment with it when i think of it hahah