Thursday, October 15, 2009

"the strangers" st. vincent


so i'm working on solving issues lately. i'm uploading all of my stories onto google documents. then i can use them wherever and whatever time i want. booyakasha! i'm working out the timing stuff with bennett vs paul and rainie for "perfect kisses." i'm starting over with my kody and anthony story and looking up more on stomach cancer. i'm trying not to be a cold-hearted bitch and starting to like a boy who is starting to like me back. i'm going to put all of my work also on a jump drive. i'm going to write some short stories this weekend.

so there is this prompt to write a short story about someone facing they're greatest fear. so i wrote this amazing catcher in the rye-esque story and my sister loved it and then my mum says: "i don't like it. it makes no sense... write about someone scared to sing in front of people." truth is: mum... i'm not listening to you. i don't care what you think; i'm not going to ive up my intergrity for some washed up run-of-the-mill short story i already have written about a hundred times.

rant over. keep reading kids or else you won't know what the sentence "the road was steady" when you're around my mother's age. no offense, i love my mum to death but she doesn't understand my writing.

rant officially over.


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