Thursday, October 8, 2009

"simon" zolof & the rock and roll destroyer


unfortunatly... my problems have multiplied. my computer is gone. it's at the doctors. i think it has swine flu. or TB. the bacteria causing it is ammune to the antibiotics so... *sigh* it's going to be a little sick for a little while so i'm going to bring in zolof burned cds to make it feel better and chicken soup for me because if i spill some on it my problems will just get worse.

so... to lighten the mood i'm buying ironic glasses this weekend. ironic glasses being glasses that look real but i know aren't making me a hipster- i know, but hipsters are the shit. i'm a geek anyways so glasses will only help me now. i also changed the contact name ov twitter in my phone to simon so whenever i get texts they're all from simon. *shrugs* i thought it was pretty funny. i am also finishing "catcher in the rye" tonight.

what else... what else... what else...

oh! whaddya think of the series of one-shots coming together? i have been working on it for a little while to make me feel like writing "perfect kisses" but i am getting into a music writing kick. i write songs like if "tomorrow's just too late" by kevin devine and "40 steps" by the academy is... and jenny lewis had a baby and it was a song. *shrugs* i think it's pretty rad.

but i have stopped my painting kick. and my writing kick. and am starting a reading kick. i'm a pretty artsy chick. i'm also getting into photography. i like my photos so far. my sister kind of shrugged them off, but come on, it's like brand new's album artwork for "daisy" and my front lawn had a baby and it's a pretty cool picture.

so i'm buttering you up buttercup for badnewsbears. i will not be posting anything until the emotional blow that is my lack there of a computer is resolved.

simon just texted me! peace

1 comment:

never-explore said...

): I hope your computer feels better.

And ironic glasses?

And fuck, I want those. No idea where you can them though. People said if you go to an IMAX theater, watch a movie, steal the glasses, and pop the lens out... yeah. You have some. But, I don't watch movies much. Further yet watch IMAX movies. So I dunno. Where'd you get them?

And haha, that's cool. Simon. My friend used to have my contact name as "Utter" because instead of saying "other" I pronounce it "utter". =/

I love the one-shots yes. They're amazing and intense and amazing. Yep. And post some of your photography. I'd like to see how pimp your photos are.

Aha, so I'm in a yearbook right. I bring my camera to school and I start taking macro pictures of random stuff (marshmallows & staples?). I'm more of a ... random crap than a people photographer. But anyways my friend goes all, "You take cool pictures. But they're useless." And I'm just like... thanks.

Yeah, ramble ramble.

Ahem, sorry. Anyways...

I hope you feel better. Or like, your computer feels better.