Monday, October 12, 2009

"substitution" silversun pickups


so i got really nervous today because the computer i told you about- the one that's sick- well, it went under and right now it's no longer with us. so at first i was overwhelmed with grief and the anxiety because me writing is all on that computer!!!!

and i thought for a second you know... eff it. just post something. so i did. and all my writing is on a disk so i'll be uploading it onto this computer and then i'll be ready to rock because i'm changing a lot in "last place" and it's going to be exciting for me to write it.

i let my sister read some of my work- which i always want to do but she never is in the mood to read it. i gave her two short stories- one i posted here about the boy being afraid of the dark and she loved them so i'm going to leave her chapters from "at the bottom" and maybe a chapter from "perfect kisses" i'm not sure yet. but i'm really excited now.

and i told my friends about my writing. nobody knows i write in school because i don't want to talk about it. i usually just talk about it to my sister sometimes when we go for walks but i told my friend about it and she forgot about it instantly. but i don't know. i did this thing in school where you had to fill out two truths then a lie and i wrote "i am an online writer" and everyone picked that one but i said no: i actually do write and post stories online but i'd never let anyone in school read them. it'd give them another reason to treat me funny.

anyways i'll stop rambling. main idea: you'll be getting a lot more posts from me now. i promise.

and also: i think i'm ready to write "perfect kisses" again :)

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Noo! I'm so sorry about the lost. Computers suck. D:

But I'm glad you got your writing juice back. Last Place/At the Bottom/Perfect Kisses... I missed 'em. :)

And haha wow, I think you should tell/show more people. Cause then they would like bow down to your greatness. If they're into that stuff. I'm like crazy for anyone who's good at writing and like photo-editing and photography. And stuff.

If I suddenly went to your school then I'd be staring at you like you're Bennett Williams I swear.

And then you'd probably think I'm creepy.

And I'd be sad.

So yeah.
You're amazing. :))