Sunday, October 4, 2009

"semi constructive criticism" circa survive


this weekend i:
- downloaded tons of music.
- am able to sing a couple songs without losing the ability to breath through my nose.
- painted two original paintings.
- established that lady gaga has a camera in my mum's truck to steal her dance moves.

this no computer is killing me. i might try and start it up and get my files off onto a jump drive so i can at least post something but i have to say i'm about ready to scream. i think i'm ready to start writing "perfect kisses" again. i don't really know how to handle myself. i love high school to death but it's so hard to find free time to just sit down and write now.

i think i'll have to revert to writing my stuff on fanfiction. this means spelling errors will be more likely and i might post more. who knows. i just hope my writing isn't sucking. but sadly i have come up with yet another story. *sigh* effmylife.

it's about a girl who goes to college in a city. her roommate is crazy and "free-spirited." the girl then meets this guy named chris who is a dealer to the college students. the rest is very "bell jar"-esque. her falling apart and stuff.

gosh my writing is getting so goddamn depressing.

i think i might start posting more one-shots, it's just i'm fresh out of ones i could do for "last place" so that means i may or may not go back into "perfect kisses" one-shots and or into the future one-shots. who knows.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

"established that lady gaga has a camera in my mum's truck to steal her dance moves."

^ That one made me giggle. :)

Anyways, I can't wait to read ... Perfect Kisses/Girlwhogoestocollege/One-shots/future one-shots/etc. Something. Haha. But yeah, woo! Hope you get your computer to work.