Thursday, August 6, 2009

"i miss you" blink-182


so um, here's my excuse. have no idea where to go with the old "perfect kisses" and have rewritten the same part over and over again but it never works. i don't know if i should bring up someone without making the two stories into a series-type thing. and i was going to put up a new chapter but i was writing and rewriting and i get a text from my friend saying she was coming in like an hour to get me. to go where?

one of the greatest shows i've ever been to. blink-182. i went to see panic! at the disco but found out a mister ryan ross wasn't going to even be there like a week ago but honestly awesome massive shows from the dead center thanks to a creepy scalper was probably the greatest thing ever.

i'm listening to the only blink song on my ipod "i miss you" which was one of my favorite songs live ever and one of my favorite songs. sooo good. download it. i see it as a cheesy couple song. i think it goes to a mister williams and a miss loren because they tug the juice out of my heartstrings.

sometimes i wish someone else wrote these ridiculously long and dramatic stories for me to read. it makes to so much easier. i lvoe rereading them. i get all the reactions of the reader when i don't even anymore when i write it. plus my writing is kicking butt in the "last place" re-write. you are going to poop your pants reading the angst and what not of it all. ahhh. it's like taking the writing of the first chapter and or "perfect kisses" wedding chapter and then BAM like that every chapter. they're all around 8,000 words so when i do post one it will equal about four to eight regular chapters in my pieces now.

BUT another "perfect kisses" rewrite is in order due to the expanding writing abilities of a miss jasey ray. but i'm not going to get into the third person now. first person is more personal- hence why i always write in it. so goodnight everyone.

"don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head"

1 comment:

never-explore said...

well whatever you do i hope you get perfect kisses all sorted out. :)

buttt, im glad you had fun at that concert. or show, whatever. haha. i dont really listen to blink-182 or panic. i know them, just don't really listen. but i'll download i miss you.

anndd, i rather you write those stories though. because its your voice in them, not anyone else's. and i like your voice. some people's are too peppy and talky than "story" like. some are too detail and complicated and sound like old geezers talking. your voice is simple yet powerful. uh huh, yep. that's a good thing, you should be proud when you reread your masterpieces.

"you are going to poop your pants reading the angst,"

lol, it sounds even more funny when you say it. but yeah, i already poop my pants reading perfect kisses and oldlastplace. so pff, im gonna poop a whole bucket of colorful crap.

and geez, rewriting perfect kisses again? dayum. well, you're not gonna change the plot and stuff again are you? i mean i like it now, and i liked the one before (rainie being haunted by jayme and scared of being in love. etcetcetc. something like that i dont remember). but you know, they're your stories. and you writing has even gotten more pwnable so who knows i might like the 2nd rewrite even more! haha

so yup, good night. well, its morning now so good morning! ;D