Monday, June 29, 2009

"fall" something corporate


my mom got a flat. so i'm home alone again.

i've been writing and loving chris conley to death jsut making notes about jonah (alone) and elisa and bennett being in love. but today i'm super tired. i woke up at five 50 and went to the gym and ran numbly on a treadmill to "hold my hand" by new found glory. starting my need to write about jonah when all i really did was write heartbreak before i dove into a conversation at ihop about chris conley, pink hair, and jonah.

but right now i'm super hungry and am going ot sneak a hunk of cheese before my mother gets home with my dad.


"one more weekend" the academy is...


look at the stats for "last place" the highlighted one.

story order:
1. all we ever needed
2. dear hannah jane
3. leaving through the window
4. perfect kisses lead to one night stands
5. streetlights to stage lights
6. last place you look
7. perks of being a wallflower one-shot*
8. the quiet things that no one ever knows
9. the riot**

*actual fanfic
**only actual flop

thank you for your reviews and favorites and alerts :) i'm on the author favorite lsit of 11 people! that's amazing. and i know there ae probably some trolls reading whatever i'm writing too which excites me a little.

but i promise a chapter will go up soon. i'm already rewriting it. so hopefully you'll love it.


ps. cross your fingers.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"fences" paramore


so the foreshadowing will be revealed very soon. very very soon. i'm super pumped. like two chapter until it happens.

get ready.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

"who will i be" demi lovato


wedding half done. oof. i should have made some notes about it first. i'm hitting a brick wall. but i'm pretty sure you'll all love it.


"here we go again" demi lovato


just watched a demi lovato movie. the princess protection thing with selena. it wasn't that bad. so i'm listening to her now. writing like crazy. i made it to like 3,500 words. it's the wedding. and it's going to be wicked long too. woohoo. it's pretty exciting.

also open mic was okay. i played four songs. the first three sucked. the last everyone said was my best. i didn't play demi. i wish i had. i think some seventh graders came to see me play. which was a little sad because i probably sucked. but i'm going to try and find my range. my mom keeps giving me these 'you'll never be a lead singer' but she listens to like auto-tuned shit heads like britney so i am a little put down by her.

so i'm excited about the wedding. it's pretty crazy. crazy awesome!


ps. whenever i picture rainie now i see demi lovato. not too good.

Friday, June 26, 2009

"don't forget" demi lovato


so open mic is on my mind. also i'm falling back in lvoe with the academy is... i hit a rough patch these past few months but i love them to death again.sort of. not really there yet but so close. and its helping me with my rewrite for "last place" which is why there is a lack there of updates now.

but i watched a sick movie today. and i'm not talking about the 6-7 michael jackson music videso i watched. it's called "say anything" and you better watch it. it's so cute. reminds me a lot of my writing. so here goes.

i have to do some practicing for tonight. but i'll be back soon. peace.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Thriller" Michael Jackson

it was 6:23 and i was at cvs with my sister. she was buying blue nail polish not on my toes. it was the same cvs my best friend byran (donahue of boys like girsl) used to work at. and the cashiers were exchanging conversation. "is he really dead?" and the other one said. "yeah, heart attack. michael jackson. dead. whod' of thought?"
i've felt like crying seven times since i heard. i fought about his intergrity and mental being with two people. and i saw him going from abc and 123 to the moon-walking fool in three seconds on the news i watched with my dad as we talked about corrupt arttists and the beatles and radiohead and michale himself like we usually do. poor guy though.
i bet he is already moon-walking with jesus.
or that other lady from charlie's angels is shaking her long mane of hair in his bleached twisted face saying how he stole her thunder.
but he's still the king of pop. he's still the shit. he's still amazing.
i think it's so ironic. his last album was called 'invincible' and of all thigns that man fucking is. he'll never die. no matter what. his heart may have stopped beating and he may look like a woman and he may be in a trash bag in la but he's got his music playing all over the world right now. and even though i'm enjoying saves the day and sunny day real estate right now, michael still owns.
this was a good year for music that is modern and new. but for pop music in general we lost a great factor to all we hear now. so please never forget the poor dude. he wasn't so corrupt as we think. he was still a fucked up guy, but of all things he's michael fucking jackson.
we owe him that.
so perfect your moon walks and grab your single white gloves and hit the dance floor and never forget the man behind it all. and michael: you're not so fucked up. we all are nowadays. we just don't have babies or balconies to co-mingle like you might have.

"lonely night" saves the day


so i went and hung out with my now friend once ex-boyfriend and we went to newbury comics to look into the open mic night. we looked through the vinyl section and i died seeing get up kdis vinyls for my favorite records by them. and then death cab for cutie. they even had "siamese dream" by the smashing pumpkins. but no "what's the story morning glory" by oasis. and i almost checked for sunday drive- but then i remembered: non-existant.

then we went into CDs and i had a musical explosion. they. had. saves the day. in reverie. i was soooo excited and happy about it. i had no money and it was just amazing to touch and hold. but it was broken and used. i tried it out on the used CDs stereo they have. "no disc" when there was one. then we classified ourselves under what kind of geek we were when we read this book called "the girls' guide to dating a nerd."

i'm the art geek.
he's the party/computer geek.

but here's my thing. i started writing and ended up posting two chapters of deserted stories. so i hope you liked them. "leaving" is my worst writing. "all we ever needed" is some of my best.

but anyways. i'm uber-excited for my open mic. i'm playing at 8:15 tomorrow night :) and i'm playing:
"when i hit the ground" ace enders
"the artist" the hush sound
"forever&always" taylor swift

i don't know the fourth one. but i might play jenny lewis? yeah. i might. a good one too. so my guitar teacher doesn't kill me for playing taylor swift.

but i'm going to go practice and decide which one i want to play. so peace out.


ps. funny story: me and my now friend once ex boyfriend went out to lunch. we had $25. the bill was $25.37. we left all we had and booked it. our waitress was hillary. she probably took our pictures so i can never go there again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"take our cars now" saves the day


so my saves the day obsession is like peaking now. ahhhhfuckfuckfuck. sooooo good. sory i just had a musical orgasm. sorry that gross. oof. but me and my friend are going to look into an open mic night. he plays piano and wants to do something for it and i just want ot play musique.

also: super short chapter up. foreshadowing. foreshadowing. foreshadowing. if you find it i'll give you... i don't know. i should come up with something like: if you come up with what the foreshadowing is i'll send yo all i have so far in "last place"? as you may have also noticed i added a rewrite progress thing. so check it too.

and i don't know. what would you want thats free and won't require me knowing our address in exchange for figuring it out? hmmm.


"fiefly" saves the day


...fell head over heels for saves the day. jonah would be proud. there's been drama in my house. my sister and her boyfriend broke up and then she had a new boy over today and she thinks its too soon- mind you i love this boy! he's so cool and awesome. but she doesnt think she likes him. oof.

but my writing is non-existant. i've been super busy about everything and reading like its my job. and i started writing "all we ever needed" and have a chapter almsot done and i've been thinkign about "leaving through the window" too. soooo i've got a lot on my mind.

but i have to go. peace. happy summer :)


Thursday, June 18, 2009

A: nswers


1. "...he reminded me a lot of Ben Gibbard..." - elisa talking about Miles

2. "...he dyed his hair pink last summer, he's more than obsessed with Saves The Day than anyone I know..." - sean on Jonah

3. "...Conor Oberst knew how to make me feel less alone..." - elisa (in rewrite!)

so here are my references and what not. i'm thinking about cutting down on some and or explaining them maybe. i don't know. i haven't met anyone who knows saves the day at all anymore. sadly. *sigh* but i'll try and tihnk it over.

1. ben gibbard is the lead singer of the band death cab for cutie. google image him.

2. chris conley had pink hair at one time, yes. you can see it in their music video for "the end" off of sound the alarm (?)

3. conor oberst- man behind bright eyes.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

QQ: Uick Estion


Do my musical references go right over your heads?


"...he reminded me a lot of Ben Gibbard..." - elisa talking about Miles

"...he dyed his hair pink last summer, he's more than obsessed with Saves The Day than anyone I know..." - sean on Jonah

"...Conor Oberst knew how to make me feel less alone..." - elisa (in rewrite!)

i'll explain them, but i was just curious. give me all your interpretations and i'll jsut give you the facts. their more or less emo culture refernces i guess. but i don't know. i was jsut wondering if i should cut a few in the rewrite because there's going to be a lot more in the rewrite especially referring to jonah and his saves the day obsession.


"thursday" chiodos


on my regular blog- yes i do manage two blogs, i have had the same post reblogged at least four times. it was one talking about craig owens. and also if you've heard of alternative press magazine (it's basically a music zine of all the music thats big in the "emo" music world and also my personal bible) there are two issues where my written in letters have been published. and i'm writing in again right now. even if i'm super late for it.

but in my grade we are havign this awards ceremony. my sister insists i'm probably in the running for "a billion awards" but i don't know about that. and they are going to pick six memories out of my grade and i hope i get picked. i just am craving that stage. to be on it and the center of attention again.

i feel like i have the potential to be great. i was given creativity. now i just need to let myself out. but here's my excuse: i fell in love with reading again recently. i can't stop. i jsut came on to see my popularity on my other blogging site went up four points.

and here i am realizing i need to get to work on my other writing stuff. so peace. OH! huge changes are underway in "last place" HUGE. HUGE. HUGE. it's going to be awesome.


Monday, June 15, 2009

saves the day!


so i've been listening to a saves the day podcast. if you don't remember jonah was a huge saves the day fan and i'm going ot make it much more visible. hopefully i'll catch the attention of mister chris connely himself. if that's how you spell his last name. i need to memorize it or something. BUT what does this make me want to do? write "perfect kisses"? nope. write "last place"? nope. not at all. what? somethign else? why of course it does. come on it has to have at least a little bit of jonah love in there...

it does don't worry.

setting: ap podcast #46: red letter day's bennett williams

I: so today we're joined with a very special guest today, mr. williams from the band red letter day. after putting out a series of ep on their own money earned from shows and jobs at coffeeshops and record stores they managed to leave thier small-town to a bigger palce which was chicago, illinois where they were signed to soft sound records. they put out yet another ep all acoustic as a homage of sorts to the band sunday drive that jump kicked the band into motion once they broke up in march 2005.

after releasing two full lengths off of soft sounds they left the line-up unexpectedly and joined a tiny indie label run by sean bleet and elisa loren. now releasing their third full length red letter day is returning to their sunday drive roots with songs that were made for a 16-something out in the middle of nowhere moping about a girl or wanting to leave and get somewhere.

i sat down with williams on a day in march. not knowing it was one of the msot important days of the year for him and his wife, elisa loren who became elisa williams one year ago today. not only that it was the last sunday drive show of seventeen williams ever saw and the last show for the band period. it is a bittersweet day for the tall skinny twenty-something and of all things he didn't complain at all- which is surprising being that he is the infamous newly adopted emo king known for bitching about life and integrity and girls like it's going out of style in the large catalogue that is growing day by day.

I: so hello, it's great to have you back after such a long time.

williams: it's good to be back. it's jsut kind of weird without the other guys here. this side of the table feels empty. [laughs]

I: it's strange having you here alone. i have to say, you're a lot more contianed than your
fellow bandmates.

w: i'd agree with that except for paul. he's probably the most reserved guy in the band. he doesn't go off into his own thoughts or anything. i wish i was like that... but i'm not. i'm sort of the in between.

I: in between....

w: well when our guitar player jonah met chris conelly from sves the day he was literally ripping his hair out saying five-hundred words per minute and chris was kind of like... what the fuck is up with this kid... while i was more like, you know, 'i love your music, your one of the bands me and my wife met over...' and paul was the one who treated him like a normal dude. said like 'hey, what's up...' you know. i'd like to think i'm a lot more self-contained than jonah, but if i met like the sudnay drive guys i'd flip out and completely fan-girl my ass off and kiss their feet.

I: you've never met the sunday drive guys?

w: no but my wife has. she was really cool about it too. she said they were really neat guys and she asked if they knew who we were- naturally, becuase she knows how sunday drive obsessed paul and i are and how everyone else sort of likes them, and they said they checked out our set and they are fans of ours. but i emailed them once and i freaked out when they responded and it was just a huge step for me. it made me realize how far i've come from being the whining emo kid in my friends' basements.

I: you've brought up a lot i want to get into actually. first i'll dive into your label right now. you signed to south records... recently?

w: yes we did.

I: and jsut to clarify because i never heard a lot about this in other interviews. i've heard rumors that you're married to...

w: elisa, yeah, which is one of the reasons we signed to them. but also sean bleet has been one of my closest friends for a while so it wasn't like a 'oh you guys need money we'll bring in a lot for you...'

I: i was just going to ask if it was for you and elisa if it was like 'maybe if we signed to you, we would get more money for groceries...' or something you know...

w: yeah, exactly. that's what a lot of people think but the reasn we signed to them was because they are our friends and we love them, but we don't treat them like our friends. elisa may feel obligated to work alongside me, but in the end it's the two of them working to have us put out music we love and other people will know and listen to and hear. and the whole business that's with their label is like a family. with soft sounds we were like trash talked and shit. especially me and paul [spinella] because we're more reserved and stuff... and with this record label it's like we have a good place to build off of as artist and musicians where we won't get eaten alive and i can still manage the mortgage of our house and paul can still provide for his family and jonah and aaron and james can all live in their apartments and eat and not starve. we get by.

I: i've never heard you tlak abotu you marriage a lot specifically or directly. but i don't know if it's too personal for me to ask you about....

w: no it's fine. it's just nobody asks about it.

I: i mean obviously you write all the lyrics for the band so i know you haven't had the best realtionship or the smoothest...

w: actually, that's not true. sorry [laughs]. um... well most of the lyrics i write are not auto-biographical. the ones that are are the happy songs. the love songs that the bands lets me just take out my acosutic and record like that. there are probably seven or so under the name red letter day that are just elisa's songs. the first song we ever did together as a band that was out own was liteally called 'elisa's song' and i've been in a relationship with her logner than in this band. and weirdly enoguh, like, on message boards people assume elisa and i just scream at each other and want to kill each other and break up all the time and how we use each other, but really i'm jsut hopelessly in love with her. i can't help it. i've been with her, what? nine years? and we've never really broke up officially. it was like a short break once. but it didn't last. and it was my fault and the songs i write are about the people around me.

I: really? that's really interesting... can you give an example.

w: uh, sure... [pauses] like on the new record we have 'nobody has to know' which is... oh wait, well, it's about someone in the band losing the love of his life and then getting her back, but only half of her. i mean they still loved each other after everything but i was in a relationship a lot like it with the same girl where all you got was hook-ups and like sex and it did a number on him and somehow they ended up together but from the song it's just abotu givign only half of yourself to someone when you want to give them everything and have a fair exchange too. so i wrote it from his point of view with what i knew and what my past expiriences were with the same girl.

I: oh, so i see. so lets say i pick up a red letter day record, how many are going to be like... autobiographical for you.

w: for me? i don't know it depends on the record [laughs]. on average maybe like two or three.

I: and all your records are like thirteen-fifteen track albums.

w: yeah, well, it's a little bit selfish. i mean i don't like being called the frontman but i'm the one who has all these pictures online. i'm the one who has shit tlaked about them. i'm the one who girls freak about my haircuts. but then again i'm the one who has to write the lyrics. i'm literally the voice of the band while i have paul and the rest of the guys to provide what i lack. paul is just a genius with producing and tracking and outlining songs. he is like the business man of the band and anyone who meets him just likes him automatically. he won like the 'dude i want to be best friends with' superlative at warped tour a few years ago. while i got the 'tour whore' superlative.

I: where is mr. spinella?

w: he's probably at home playing sunday drive records to his daughter. i thin kthat's what he's doing. his wife- rainie- is in boston right now for a writing workshop thing. she's a writer, and stuff. so he's home with his daughter for a little while while we're on a break.

I: does he jsut play sunday drive records in an attempt to musically educate his daughter?

w: no actually, today is the anniversary of them breaking up, or their last show. and his daughter loves sunday drive. i don't know how but i guess it's like a gentically inherited kind of thing because rainie and paul were both obsessed with sunday drive in high school which is why paul and i got along. and i even met my wife over sunday drive. it's like you either loved them or hated them. and somehow when we both foudn that girl that had those sunday drive records in their cars or something- i think paul showed sunday to his wife... but anyways it's hard to come by someone that likes sunday drive from where we are and when we did ou latch onto them and have like a community of sorts. some sort of unity.

I: like i never got into sunday drive until i had someone come to me and say okay listen to this song then this song and then you'll love this record and then listen to the next record and then this ep... i was wondering did someone ever do that to you?

w: no actually. i was at this place where i used to work and i was going through the new stuff and i found the acoustic album and just bought it becuase i played acoustic guitar and i thought it was cool to have a band that went out and just put out a full acoustic record. and i listened to it and i jsut fell in love. then i passed it to my friends who passed it to their friends and i think i started a small thing but people outgrew it and then i met paul and he started workign at the same record store i was and then i met elisa. and it just was like this band gave me my best friend and my wife and a reason to sing and to be who i am. my wife puts it best, she always says: 'once you're a sunday drive fan you're one for life.' and i'll probably have sunday drive playing at my funeral.

I: that's so weird. i mean kids who come in here that say: oh i'm a sunday drive fan, you just can tell. they give off this atmosphere and this attitude thato cne you know they like this band you jsut understand why they are like that. it's like a movement or a manifestation of some type of thing. i don't even know. it's like a cult sensation type thing where people get sucked in and if they wait long enough they can't get out.

w: exactly.

I: i read somewhere that you guys are beign called that now. like you are reaching the kind of stature in this scene of sorts and you are just sucking people in but in a larger scale.

w: i mean, i think we won over sunday drive fans more than anything because we had the backbone to put me and my guitar on a record and not just say we need this to be full band and we need it to be loud and rock music. we kept in touch with our roots and our feelings. and yet we never made the same record twice. we never made a sunday drive record and we never made a saves the day record or any other band's stuff. it was strictly us. it was my wailing and emo-ness mixed with jonah's saves the day feddish and paul's musical genius and aaron's braid and jawbreaker love and then james came in and he's an incredible bass player and he was made for aaron's drumplaying.

I: so with james being brough up, what happened with your original bassist?

w: alex was our old bassist. he was temporary because when paul quit his old band he lost his best friend and all of them so he couldn't have his friend jack play so he brought in alex and said we could replace him like with no problems but he stuck around and then we met james... and if aaron and james weren't completely straight they would have been married or something. they are perfectly met and everything. they know exactly what to do andwhat to play it was like the most amazing musical chemistry.

I: i've heard it said that you and paul are like perfectly matched too. like in reviews of shows and record reviews there is always something said about your chemistry and musicianship that just go together because you have the voice to support the stuff that paul sneaks in there and you can see that there is always something that compliments what paul is playing. which after hearing it it's true.

w: well like i said before, paul is like a musical genius. he is amazing at gutiar and he comes up with these guitar parts and we all want to just rip it off so we all end up copying it and then paul just goes in and plugs the stuff we come up with into the right place so it jsut all fits. but paul has been my best friend since a few months after i started dating elisa, and we just always listen to the same stuff.

I: whose the glue point in the band?

w: definatly jonah... he's just always so out there that it's like he doesn't get whats going on but he always understand completely and he always knows what to say and what to do so that everyone seems happy around him and he's jsut always so like over the time the guy just has a cloud of optimism. it's so weird but you just always are happy and havign a good time with him.

I: i also want to bring up the fact that some old songs are surfacing... can you tell me about that.

w: oh yeah, well i did this thing where i went to a small club. and this was abotu a year and a half ago because i proposed to elisa on the anniversary of the sunday drive breaking up and what i did was play the first three sogns i ever wrote her and then i asked her to marry me on the side of the stage and then it was like a youtibe sensation. people were begging me to play those songs again so i said okay, i'll do an acoustic show. i jsut got up and said 'do you want to hear a cover, a red letter day song or one of elisa's songs?" and they wanted to hear elisa's songs so i played them and then paul said we should record them and stick them out there. so we did and right now we're in the process of re-releasing all of our old songs which means we're digging up our old songs. studyign them and relearning them and re-recording them and then we're going to release them for like five or seven bucks online and it's print on demand and also digital so we're new-age. and we also are going to have vinyl because i'm a vinyl head and so is paul and we know a lot of our fans are too so the plan is to give something for everyone.

I: red letter day fans are going to shoot me but, how did you guys start again? i'm sorry if this is a little late.

w: so, it's cool, um, i really liked this girl but she started dating paul...

I: aw i should have known. you never mentioned this in the last interview...

w: well i think it's okay now to mention it but like he was datign her and they fell in love and finally i came out and told the girl and there was all this drama and finally paul dumped her... because of me, and i started to have this like friends-with-benefits thing with her and i told paul how she was because we were co-workers and we started tlaking more and then i told her i couldn't see her anymore and she ended up back with paul. and i started liking this girl elisa right then when her and paul got together again and i was doing a solo project which was me playing songs in basements of parties and i fell for elisa and i wrote her a song and was in this talent show thing- for my mother of course- and we started dating and i got sick of doing acoustic stuff and pau lhad quit his band and everything and was talking about startign something. and i did this really big show at the church in the center of town and paul said we should start something which meant we were going to start a band and we ended up working in our hometown playing shows and stuff and we got signed afterp putting out a ton of eps and here we are.

I: you are already being called influential, so what does that do towards your attitudes and relationhips? because i know there was a period where you weren't so sure about letting the world in especially with your personal life.

w: i still don't let everyone in. especially with my wife. i let people know how we met and stuff and then i just say we're happy. we're perfect. she's my high school sweet heart and my partner in life. i'm not going to tell the world everything. but i'll let them have what the songs are about and i want girls to know how in lvoe i am with her. and paul feels the same way. he doesn't talk abotu his duaghter or his mini-van or his wife or his cat. he just focuses on music while i can't really beign that my wife is my boss- i guess, and peopel are going to notice her name went from elisa loren to elisa williams a year ago exactly.

I: oh, happy anniversary.

w: thank you.

I: so one last question... whats in store for you guys in the future?

w: i'm actually going on an acoustic tour and we're going to be selling the b-sides record on it and it's all small clubs and my wife is coming on it with me and jonah is too. paul is going to take a break and be with his family and his cat-

I: and just for natural reasons, what's his cat's name?

w: [laughs] bear... it's name is bear.

I: so now the world knows more about his personal life...

w: i hope he doesn't gt mad [laughs]. but anyways aaron will be startign a jawbreaker-esque band with james and some other guys. it was originally going to be a cover band but they are considering writing their own songs and shit. but yeah, that'll take us up until next year where we'll put out another record hopefully and tour and stuff. i am really looking forward to it.

I: well good luck. i wish you the best with the badn and you and elisa.

w: thank you.

I: please come again, hopefully next time we'll have a full band with you like before.

w: i hope so too. i'm looking forward until then.

I: this has been...


Sunday, June 14, 2009

"the prize fighter" the velvet teen


been writing up a storm. will have chapters up in no tiem at this rate although i am definatly finishing "perfect kisses" before i post anything. but i just keep writing and writing cass-ify-ing and miles-ify-ing and nathan-ify-ing all through elisa.

i think i relate to elisa most.

the reason i have so much inspiration? i jsut found my seventh grade diary and read about how in love i was with my first boyfriend and it's sad to know i hated him a month after i dare write the words "i love him" and to know finally we have a chance to be friends again.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

"toasted skin" the academy is...


just made it to chapter three. introduced mr. spinella to the mix. sneak peak? sure. why not?

setting: homeroom (ch. 2)
last place you look

Cass comes into homeroom plopping down next to me. She sips her Carol’s Coffee-shop to-go cup. I look up from my book looking over at her. “What happened to the no more coffee vow?” I ask.

She sighs. “It’s free,” She says staring at it sitting in the middle of her desk. “I can’t pass it up.”

“You should have taken the job at that store in the mall.” I say shutting my book. “A coffee addiction before college doesn’t sound like a good idea.” She went job-hunting over the summer. She applied everywhere. And she got a job at Carol’s Coffee-shop, a clothes store in the mall, and a job at the Gap that opened up in the beginning of August. But she picked Carol’s because they had an incentive: Free coffee.

She works on weekends, after school and sometimes before school like today. But the free coffee is her reason. Miles is trying to get her on tea to kick this habit in the bud but so far he’s unsuccessful.

She picks it up taking a sip. I open my book again reading. She looks over at me. “Well,” She sighs. “This kid Robbie quit yesterday. So we’re currently understaffed and this girl I know is getting killed by it. She has nobody to do her morning shifts with and half of her shifts altogether.”

“I think you’ve mentioned this before…” I say not letting my eyes leave the page.

“I did?” She says. “Huh…”

“And I think I’ve mentioned this before too,” I look at her. “I can’t get a job.”

She rolls her eyes. “Elisa,” She says. “Come on, who cares what Nancy says. She’s never around anyways she’d never know about it.”

“No,” I repeat again. “I can’t.”

“Why again?” Cass says picking up her coffee and sipping it.

I close my book holding my place with my thumb. I tug my hair. “She doesn’t think I need a job.” I say. “She says she can give me money when I need it.”

“That’s not good enough a reason.” Cass says. “Wait until you’re older and a sixteen-year-old has more work experience than you. That’s going to be sad, Miss Unemployed.”

I tug my hair again. I’m turning seventeen in January. I would like a job it’s just my mother won’t let me get one. She says I need to focus on school. I guess I do. But I get good grades without trying anyways. And I’m already set for college. But I just shrugged looking back at my book. Trying to focus, but Cass took a swig of her coffee.

“Wait until you’re twenty-one and finally admit you have a caffeine problem.” I widened my eyes at the cup in her hand waiting for another sip. “Then you’ll be sorry. Why don’t you try tea?”

She glared at me. “What is this? An intervention,” She threw her hand up. “Miles and now you? I hate tea.” I shrugged one shoulder looking back at the words on the page. I started getting busy reading again.

i think this rewrite is going to be my best. each chapter is between 4000-3000 words maybe longer. i think the first is over 5000 and that's pretty exciting. longest i've ever written. maybe after chapter 23 in the original.

i love writing:
1. chapter 23 of "last place"
2. the night rainie meets paul
3. rainie and paul's first kiss
4. sunday drive concert march 19

those are probably my all time favorite chapters ever. but anyways...

i gotta write


"black mamba" the academy is...


just had a really sucky night. went to a party and was creeped on by this kid. oof. but i'm going to write for "last place" and maybe/maybe not post a little taste of it. I'm not sure where I am but a big chunk of it was deleted.

i'm listening to the academy is... right now which i haven't in a while. i miss them. i'm excited to see them/possibly meet them? this summer. but i'm so excited now.


"(i don't know the song title :P" flight patterns


so here's where i reveal my inner creep. i have a tumblr blog where i blog normal life and go out on all these emo rants and talk about how much people suck. well there's this couple my sister showed me. they are in love. i don't know where they live but their last names are sweet and bliss and i think it's so perfect. and she's so pretty. she looks like hayley williams but prettier and the boy is in a band flight patterns and they have one song i listen to a lot.

well the girl has a blog. and i check it a lot because i love reading about her life and she's so cool and i jsut want to be her. she really inspires me to write. i've been gettign itno some cheesy stuff even though i'm writing mroe of my heavy stuff now. "perfect kisses" is on hold again because i'm lazy and don't want to turn on my other computer and write but i want to jsut write for it. i may unfortunatly have to start writing them on fanfiction again and have a million spelling erros but whatever.

todays my last soccer game and since may i have lost seven pounds. so i'm very please with myself today. i have no make-up on but when i look in the mirror i look honest and myself.

i'm reading a book too that i thought would be a bunch of cheesy love stories and it is. 8/10 are homosexual relationships which is different. the book is by david levithan. it's called "how they met: and other stories" but heres my number one book recommendation.

go to your library and look for "nick and norah's infinite playlist" it's by the same dude and this other woman too. he writes nick's pov and she writes norah's and it's amazing. it's so much better with the movie. although michael cera melts my heart to death. it's amazing and it's so quick and lovey and good it's my life. one of my favorites.

but also youtbe "paper heart trailer" it's a movie (indie yes!) abotu a girl who doesn't believe in love and whats to make a documentary about how love doesn't exist. and who does she meet? michael cera! and i wigged out then but guess what? she falsl in love with michael cera and it's real life. not like a movie. it's a legit documentary and her and michael are dating now.

and youtube "500 days of summer trailer" because it has my favorite actress in it too. zooey deschanel. i think that's how you spell it. but it's so good looking too. it's also indie! and it's so cute. it's abotu a guy who believes in love who falls in love with a girl (zooey) who doesn't. sooo good. i haven't been this excited about a movie since "juno"

but away from my reccomendations. i am going to go play some music. i think i found a good voice. so i'm excited now. i'm going to record it and see how i sound.


Friday, June 12, 2009

"change is hard" she & him

setting: park
noah's pov

i was beginning to get uncomfortable. where i was sitting was not really a good place but i didn't want ot move because i knew she was drawing and she was looking up at me even when we were talking so i knew she was busy drawing me. and of all things my ass was starting to hurt.

she stopped looking up though a few minutes ago. i looked at her from the corner of my eye. "hey, uh," i said. "can i move?"

she put a finger up in the air. i waited. there was a part of my that didn't want to jump and move around. i liked to see her draw. she concentrated and she just drew. taking a picture with no camera. but i just focused as hard as i could on not moving. she dropepd the sketchbook and her pencil flexing her hand looking at it.

then she looked up. "sorry, what?" she asked.

i smiled a little. "never mind," i lay down on the blanket. she jut looked at me shrugging on shoulder and shutting her sketchbook. nobody was in the park today. it was sunny but everyone was out to see the big parade. we were alone.

she tucked her short black hair behind her ears and sighed. wrapping her arms carelessly around her leg. she looked around. "it's so deserted here." she said.

"i know," i said. i rested my arm underneath my head. "i kind of like it though."

"why?" she said.

i flashed my eyebrows up and down. hintign something jokingly and she laughed. she scooted over lying down next to me. she touched my face. she leaned in kissing my cheek. "noah?" she whispered.


"don't grow a beard, please." she said. i looked at her smiling. she turned on her side so our noses were practically touching and she just stared into my eyes. she brushed hair out of my forehead just a little. as if posing me for a painting and making everythign just right.

i didn't quite know what we were. she wasn't my girlfriend. we kissed and all and we went to the park and we talked and went out to eat. but i think that's dating. or so nicole says and i say. but i didn't know what amanda thought. i wanted to but asking her head on sugested that i didn't think of her as my girlfriend which would make her say she wans't either. but then again i didn't know her that well. that's just what girls have done before.

she kissed me. i closed my eyes and moved my hands to her neck. then it started bugging me. of all things i wanted amanda to be my girlfriend. i liked her enough to not worry about liking other girls. i never had to worry the day after i met her about ever liking someone else. i liekd everything about her and we were something for a while. her lips moved away from mine and i opened my eyes. they moved to my neck. i didn't swallow.

"amanda," i said. and she puleld away looking at me. playing her hand so it lined up with the pulse of my neck. i looked at her. she had those hazel eyes. right now they were green. "i really like you."

she blushed a little. "i like you too." she whispered back. i hadn't oticed i had been whispering but i guess i was. she kissed me but i pulled away after a few secnds. i moved my hands to her tiny boney wrists and looked into her eyes.

"will you be my girlfriend?" i whispered.

she just looked at me. her wide eyes smiled and she smiled all of a sudden. she just looked at me not answering. i thought it'd be sad if she said no but my hopes were so high now. she brushed my hair away again. "yes," she said.

and i smiled. i moved my hand to her face and brushed hair out of her face. she closed her eyes feeling the heaviness of my hand on her cheek. she opened them and we just smiled at each other through our eyes.

"everything to you" jimmy robbins


super sad face :( tomorrow i'm going to pretend to sign on the computer and discover the spyware and hopefully have my mother wipe it off. i'm scared of her wrath though. she may/may not kill me. let's hope not. and i don't know what to do. i think i'm going to do some recording.

yeah. i may. or not.

i'm bored..


Monday, June 8, 2009

"all i see" lydia


so on my new phone i can write a lot. it has word documents and stuff. but of all things this book i want to get is coming out next tuesday so i need to get it. or else. but then again i can't so i'll have to wait for it to surface online somewhere. i know it's illegal but i'm broke nad my mom doesn't got no credit card anymore.

i titled the story about the kid named kody who meets anthony "kody you can't win" it's a working title but just for now that's it. i now have noah and amanda's story moving into the top slot for my untitled stories but it will also be a heavy book. not so light and fluffy like my writing seems to be. but it's a love story through and through.

if you're a writer or if you make up characters you always get a certain attachment to them. you let a little inspiration make the spine and then you plant a piece of your heart in them and let the circulatory system flow. then you let the skin grow and the hair and the eyes and the face and the fingernails. they come to life really. and it's weird to explain it but i didn't know whta it was like to be so attached to one but my greatest moment was writing the one-shot where rainie died. that killed me. i was sobbing and i couldn't do much else. i was going ot make it a lot longer but i kept taking three minute to five minute crying breaks.

what's worse is that my crying breaks will be much mroe often now because my books aren't so happy and i'll get butterflies less and less when i write. maybe even more and more. but my stories come out happy and sad soemtimes it depends on what the mud hardens into. but after watching movie after movie and falling in love with each one i watch i have a feeling my writing is going ot get better too.

i got a job at the library. well not really, but i started volunteering and stuff. i "shelf read" which means i go into the non fiction section and reorder the mixed up books. it's not so bad except for this one book was just sitting there called "what's going on down there?: questions boys don't like to ask" and believe me it kind of creeped my because this boy was picking up all these books on trains and the book was sitting right there.

i hate little kids. but gosh. i don't even think he could read but the pictures were kind of funky and awkward. it's basically the black-and-white cartoon version of 6th grade health class videos. oof. i felt extremely awkward. especially with a mother going on and on about the bunny she was going to get. if it's a boy it will be named "pedroia" if it's a girl it will be named "amy."

BUT anyways i fell in lvoe with indie music and if you've watched the movie elf the girl who plays the girl he falls in love with is like my life. her name is zooey and she's so cool and indie and i love her band. i also cannot wait for her movie. it's a sundance and it's so good. ah.

but sorry for this long awkward blog. i was just updating. my computer has viruses on my browser and i'm scared to log onto it. all my writing pieces are on it so i'm super scared to go on in case it kills me. oof.


"lindsey quit lollygaging" chiodos


bored again. too lazy to log onto my other computer and write a "perfect kisses" chapter. it's off. and i'm a lazy mazy. so blah. eat it.

setting: a night in november
pov rainie

i was at a party. caustic shows weren't going so well so i was just going ot see bennett play. a lot of kids were seeing caustic anyway, but paul didn't like me being at those shows anymore because that shitty kid nathan pratt keeps making comments about how much he'd like to 'fuck' me to paul when he's drunk and especially after bennett and everything he told me i should stop coming to them. even thoguh i told him he'd be the only boy i'd want to 'fuck' me. he hates when people say that. espeically about me.

he's such a girl.

but i walked downstairs there were a few kids. less than there was. caustic was playing. they had a choice. five bucks to see caustic and three cheers? or a tall skinny emo kid? they all ended up at jerry's so here i was.

bennett and i don't talk as much anymore. i'm not going ot say it's hard for him to look at me because it isn't. we're over it. i love paul. and even though he only told me about her a few weeks ago, he likes this girl.

i had been bugging him about it at a party. and he just rolled his eyes. because i was jsut bugging him about liking a girl. so i asked her what her name was. "elisa," he said. "but i don't know if i really like her."

naturally i asked what she looked like. he sort of shrugged. "she's cute," he said. i never heard a boy use the word cute without his voice cracking as he forced it out. boys say cute talking about little girls or nerdy ones. but he sort of meant it. "she's short and she listens to the same stuff as me. i mean, she loves sunday drive. i don't know, it's just kind of weird."

the moment he said 'she loves sunday drive' i knew this girl was his soul mate. but i didn't press him for last name, school, grade, hair color, eye color, exact height, and how long he's known her becuase i didn't want to be creepy. i figured i know her when i saw her. i had to make everything up.

she's at least my height. anorexic looking. red-tinted dyed hair. really pretty. punk-rock-ish. loud confident. smiley. perfect. loves sunday drive. listens to the get up kids. knows every word to alkaline trio's goddamit! and goes to kerrington. she is probably a senior too, but i asked shelly who knows everyone front and back and said there's no elisa. so maybe she goes to private school. i don't know though.

i saw bennett putting his capo on and he started playing. a sunday drive song. a happy one. a love song. he must be happy. he used to just play lonely songs. but here he was playing a happy one. this elisa really knows how to play around iwth a guy.

i walked over to the back. i could see him singing. his eyes closed. this coupel near me was sucking face. this girl next to me kept glancing at them. she had to feel really awkward. but she just looked sad. like a little girl.

so instantly i felt obligated to try and be her friend. i hated having sucky tiems at parties. "do you like his music?" i asked her. i crossed my arms and she looked at me. stopping to see if i was really talking to her.

she hesitated looking at me. she was shy and little-girl-ish looking. but she had to be at least fifteen. "yeah," she said. she looked away in defeat. feelign embarassed.

"me too," i said. she looked at me again. and i smiled a little. "my name's rainie, by the way."

and she swallowed. "i'm elisa," she said.

then suddenly it hit me.


bennett's elisa.

THE elisa.

i tried not to smile so big. she was a few inches shorter than me. god, she must look tiny next to bennett. she was skinny. she wasn't slutty. in fact she just had on skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. she didn't look old thouh. she had freckles and her hair was a mousey brown. she had these cool eyes too. then suddenly i felt like hitting myself on the head and saying i was stupid. of course this was bennett's elisa. she screamed it. the fucking essence of this girl was exactly the kind of girl i knew was forcing him into playing these happy love songs about the girl with sweet brown hair that they wished they could kiss no matter how out of love with them she is. i bet he even played dashboard confessional in honor of this girl.

"are you friends with bennett?" i asked not trying to sound how excited i was. this was the 'where's waldo' of all time. i snatched this girl right out of the crowd. it was the cinderella story of kerrington. only it was a secret. this was exactly the girl i saw benentt falling in lvoe with, no matter how cynical i may have made him.

"sort of," she said. he switched to a get up kdis song. some song he played for me one night. she flickered over in his direction. "we talk in school and stuff."

then suddenly i felt a need. i'm a girl. he didn't tell me to do this, he never would. i used to do this for jess-ee-cah and boys but usually i just made comments abotu how lonely my friend was and how she was single. here i was trying to make bennett appeal to a girl like elisa. someone i didn't know.

"he's really a gret guy," i started looking back in her direction. her ead whipped over to me. i wasn't good at this, she probably knew what i was insinuating. "he's jsut hard to get into you know. he's so blocked out from the world. but once ou get to know him he;s one of the most amazing people you'll ever meet. he's a really sweet guy, he's jsut had a few bad relationships that's all. he's a great person."

she was quiet. opening her mouth to say something. "rain!" i turned and it was paul. i looked over at him but he just waved looking at bennett. why was paul here? he should be playing. i looked back at elisa. "sorry," i said. she nodded already gettign ready to say goodbye. "hey, are you hanging around?"

she paused, she tugged her hair. she seemed really quiet. "i'm not sure..."

"you should," i said. bennett would be playing for at least ten more minutes. "maybe we can talk later."

her eyes hazed over with doubt. "oh, yeah, uh, sure." she said.

i smiled. "bye," i said.

she nodded saying goodbye and i went over to paul. leaving elisa alone. paul didn't notice me. i went up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. his went around my wiast and he looked at me. i smiled. i still get butterflies whenever i see him. "gosh, i have to compete with bennett to get your attention?" i said.

he smiled kissing me. i kissed him back. his lips so perfect. i love kissing him. so much. "i quit the band." he said pulling away. he was happy. so happy. so i was happy for him.

"i always hated thomas." i said.

"me too," he kissed me again.

we watched bennett together. his hands pulled me agaisnt him and we listened. bennett played all these love songs. songs i bet were dedicated silently to the girl in the crowd who i guessed wash is girl with sweet brown hair that he wanted to kiss no matter how out of love with him she is.

he finished. and we walked off to the side. i sat on the pool table. and paul told me the story. that kid nathan came in going on and on about how shitty his girlfriend was and then thomas and him started fighting about who knows what and thomas dragged paul into it. i know paul was dragged in because of me. and suddenly paul jsut decided he was done. he just left. and he was done. fuck caustic. they were starting to suck anyways.

then i heard it "elisa!" i saw bennett. the girl elisa turned, and suddenly she looked ready to cry. she went up to him and said something and all of a sudden he hugged her. paul looked at the girl. "that's that kid nathan's girlfriend."

i paused. "what's wrong you think?" i said.

bennett just held her. closing his eyes. she was so small compared to him. buthe lookedl ike heh eld the world in his hands. paul shrugged. "could be the blonde whose been giving nathan head before every show."

and i looked at paul but he was serious. i looekd back at bennett and elisa. i suddenly felt a spark of hate for her. she can't use bennett like i did. this was so similar all of a sudden. i didn't know for sure, that's why i didn't just go out and say i hated her, becuase i don't. she seems nice. i just don't want to see bennett get hurt again, even if it's not me this time. because he likes this girl more than he likes me becuase he never looked at me like that before. no matter what.

but i just looked away. crossing my fingers that this wasn't another thing bennett's used to.

* * *

it was saturday and bennett was happy. he was putting away cds and singing along with the playlist of songs. i looked at him. "what's up?" i said.

paul jumped in. "is it that girl?" he asked. i didn't know paul knew about elisa but he had seen them hugging.

bennett just shrugged. he didn't seem like he was going to tell us anything. but i didn't have any idea what happened. "i met elisa." i said.

"really?" he said. "did she talk to you?"

i nodded. "a little," i said. "i didn't know she had a boyfriend."

he nodded, that dampered his mood a little. when pau lwas gone i went over to his register. "did you kiss her?" i asked.

he lookd at me. "why woudl you care?" he was smiling though.

jonah walked in all of a sudden. he looked at bennett. "dude," he said. "high-five." he held his hand up waiting. bennett gave him a high five anyways even if he didn't know why. jonah leaned over the counter.

"i saw you and your little crush leave that party." he said smiling. "you seem love-struck today."

bennett rolled his eyes. "i'm not." he said.

jonah looked at me. exchanging a look. "he always denies it i don't get it." he said. "anyways where's mister spinella?"

"out back," i said. "why?"

"i'm going to ask him what's up." he said. "because i know you tell him everything."

bennett rolled his eyes. "no i don't," he said. "that's so girlie."

jonah glanced at bennett's jeans. "those don't look very masculin." he said.

bennett laughed a little. "neither do yours." he said.

jonah looked down. "yeah but i'm not denying it." he turned and wlaked down the isles to paul. i looked at bennett.

"she was nice," i said. "she's cute."

he nodded. "i know."

"do you like her more than you liked me?"

he didn't hesitate. "yes," he said. "i like her so fucking much."

jasey ray

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"finally clean" andrea belanger


i feel like writing something random. so i will and i will post it so you can understand how my "notes" work.

setting: english class
elisa's pov

in classes it's never defined really, but there's always that person you work with when groups are made. you're inseperable even if you never talk outside of the class. but for me cass has alwasy been that person. i looked across the room and saw her talking to kevin whiteman. they weren't moving from where they were and were probably going to work together.

this has never happened to me when cass was there to work with me. so i looked away my eyes catching another pair across the room. we just sort of looked at each other. and then suddenly he got up taking his piece of paper and his book and he came over. he walked across the room sitting down across from me. brianne was up and stumbling over sleepishly to her friend.

as weeks progressed, there would be times when cass would be with kevin and i'd look across the room and he'd get up like he always did and made his way across the room to me. we finished 'catcher in the rye' and started up on romeo and juliet. so together we translated shakespeare. we analyzed the meaning and whether or not romeo and juliet were really in love.

we decided they weren't because there was more into being in love than a meeting and then wanting to get married. it seemed to unrealistic and rushed. we were the only group that labeled the romanticized and famous love story as just pure infatuation but bennett talked for me taking anyone. he debated bringing up points i said and he said until finally he had everyone convinced. other than shakespeare translators we did everything else you could do in english that we did in groups.

and all of a sudden my eyes didn't even look in cass' direction. they went straight across the room and he would get up and come over to me and we'd dive into another section of shakespeare or another topic. being friends i guess isn't a big no for us. we're friends. and somehow nobody seems ot bug us about it. it never leaves the class it seems. i think it's because more people care about that girl rainie joseph and this boy named paul she got back together with.

of all things since that night on the porch bennett seems fine. he seems happier than before. that night did something to me and to him. we weren't worlds apart i guess like i thought. we were humans and somewhere along the line we could be friends and somehow we foudn a way to be friends.

he was my shakespeare partner, my grammer partner, my hello in the hallway, the familiar face at a party or whatever else he was. and somehow i think i was the same for him. nathan never knew. and i never plan on telling him. bennett's not my secret. he'd jsut my friend.


"photography" the starting line


also! my new penname on fanfiction for my posting of "last place" which won't be for a while until chapter ten is done at least... but my new penname will be: a streetlight


Saturday, June 6, 2009

"fear of flying" a rocket to the moon


in my house we have a computer with internet and one without it. right now they are both within a five foot radius of myself. why is this important? hah. becuase the one i'm on now has the super secret untitled projects.... and? "last place" rewrite. whoo.

i watched camp rock so i have a cravign for a camp in which i'll win a duet with joe jonas- even thoguh i'm an ex-joe jonas fangirl and a dedicated stop-hating-on-kevin-even-though-i-hate-the-jonas-brothers-with-every-ounce-of-my-being person.

so why is this important also? i don't know. but! sneakpeaksneakpeaksneakpeak.

setting: lunch
elisa's pov

At lunch Cass likes to sit outside as long as it feels like summer. When it gets too cold we move inside, but for now we sit at a table. I look at the lunch I brought from home- peanut-butter and water I share with Cass- and we usually wait for Miles.

The day we met Miles was something I could never forget. It was when Cass’s hair was still its natural color and we were just little freshman. In the middle of the year we heard about a new kid from the art school a few towns over. But we were in the library and we saw this kid we’d never met before. Cass pointing him out to me saying: “That’s the new kid.”

She went up to him. Sitting down across from him, and I stood back watching him reading with the happiest look on his face. He didn’t look up at her. So finally she said something. “What are you reading?”

He didn’t even look up. “‘Oh The Places You’ll Go’.” He said it like it was normal. Like everyone read Dr. Suess in high school. “Aren’t you a little old?” Cass had asked.

That’s what made him look up at her. He wasn’t shocked. He just shook his head. “You might not know it, but Dr. Suess has a lot of meaning behind his writing…” And that’s how we met him.
Cass and Miles became friends somehow. He mixed in with the stoner-crowd for a little while. He was into drugs for a short period but his parents sent him to programs and a rehab thing over the summer. And since then he’s hung around with us.

I wouldn’t normally be friends with Miles. He listens to Cambodian Rock and reads Dr. Suess like it’s a religion. But we have one thing in common: Cass. We both think of Cass as our best friend. And Cass thinks of us as hers. So we get along. I think Miles is really smart actually. He’s just artistic. He is sort of chubby and he reminds me of Ben Gibbard. Nobody picks on him though because he slips under the radar. He just reads his Dr. Suess and makes up poetry off the top of his head and nobody calls him “fag” or “freak” he’s just Miles.

He sits down and takes out his lunch. He’s vegan or vegetarian. I’m not sure. I just know this because he fills Cass with all of these facts about how much longer you live without the toxins you get from meat and everything. But I’m never sure. I just know he doesn’t eat meat. He takes out a container of colored pasta and digs in.

I was just telling a Rachel story. You wouldn’t assume but Miles always catches on and laughs with us at her. When Cass first started hanging out with Miles it was non-stop “Miles said…” and “Miles told me…” He was her obsession. And now even after about two years of him hanging out with us, I usually experience all of the things he says that Cass would have told me later. But before I started hanging out with Miles I thought he preached about the world and enlightened you with anything he said. But he’s just a normal guy. Until he says something that makes you stop and realize he’s Miles.

Cass looked up when I finished my Rachel stories, her hand in Miles’ bag of celery he always has on Mondays. She bits a stalk of it and lowers her eyes, growing excited to tell us something. “Did I tell you what I overheard when I was in Family Living?” She asked.

I shook my head. I sip my water and wait. She chews and swallows quickly. “You know Rainie Joseph?” She asked- another Rainie Joseph story. “Well she and Bennett Williams slept with each other at a party last Friday and then they left together- right in front of her ex-boyfriend.”
Miles jumped in. He doesn’t normally. He doesn’t like hearing about Rainie Joseph and Bennett Williams stories because they come up once a week. “Wait,” He says cutting in. “Right in front of her boyfriend?”

She paused. “Oh, no,” She said. “But they were at the same party over the weekend when it happened.”

“Who did you hear it from?” He asks. Every once in a while he does this. It’s for Cass’ sake she believes everything she hears.

“This girl Lauren,” She said. “She’s a senior.”
“And who did she hear it from?” He asked.

“This girl Shelly,” She said pausing. “I think she goes to Coolen.”

“Do you think she heard it from Rainie or Bennett Williams?” He asked.
She rolled her eyes. “No,” She said.

“Then I don’t think its true Cass.” He said, he chewed his celery and acted normal. Miles is here to keep Cass sane. And he’s doing a better job than anyone could. “I mean, so what if her and Bennett Williams are together. That’s their business.”

And Cass goes quiet. I get up to throw my lunch away. Walking across the cafeteria nobody notices me, and I’m just another faded person in the room. And I don’t mind it at all. My eyes find Bennett Williams. He walks up to the same trash I’m heading towards and to throw away a paper bag and everyone watches him.

I slow down so I know he’s at least ten feet away from the trash on his way back to his table. I didn’t really know why I did, I just did.

My day goes by at a snail’s pace; a slow blur of images, math symbols, and French verbs. Until finally I get to my locker, moving faster than all day, getting my bag together and turning to see Nathan smiling at me.

I kiss him. I miss him only after a few hours, which is what I guess love does to you sometimes. I pull away. And he takes my hand. We walk down the halls. High school movies are pretty accurate actually. I’ve learned that this year.

* * *

so? this is the third part of the first chapter? what do you think? should i get to work on it some more and get ready to slap it onto old fanfiction?


Friday, June 5, 2009

"way with words" the starting line


today was a starting line day, just ofund that out. oof. i'm trying to jam-pack a day's worth of kenny vasoli in what's left for today. it's looking pretty good. i'm just rocking out to it so hard right now which ain't very good but yet it is because of all things i have hope there is a hidden drive in these records to push me to write for "perfect kisses" in which i'm starting over a chapter yet again. major uber-oof.

but i have to say my reviews are coming in pretty slow. i'm pusing for 90 reviews which may/may not require another chapter to do so. oh well. i'm here all day. i have a painting i need to finish but writing is going to be my number one tonight. so here goes.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

"acid tongue" jenny lewis


i've been rilo kiley-fied. oof. indie music is overpowering my headphones lately. except for my intense isles & glaciers session in school today. craig owens put out yet another side project called isles & glaciers - well didn't put out i jsu ued my hacker skills to obtain three unreleased songs by them and it's like danger radio (n'sync-esqe) meets chiodos meets sexually explosive craig owens and you have me melting in my seat. soo good.

but! for a hint if you want one about le foreshadowing. "le" is the in french. hah. you so smart now. you speak french. and to make it more complicated "le" is man-the and "la" is woman-the and "les" is plural the. anyways! the hint! it's between rainie and a boy.

now it's up to you to guess which one which is pretty obvious to me but maybe because i'm the one injecting such heavy drugs into this.

my sister possibly has swine flu. and my substitute health teacher gave us a life lesson today. he's so nice i love him. not like that. but he's cool ad a health teacher. he knows people who have what we're studying like belunemia and binge eating and doesn't hate my constant spiels about "true life" and my favorite mental disorder- skizophrenia. if that's how you spell it. he's pretty cool.

my sister's boyfriend won this award from his big old school and after readign about a future pediatritician beside my sister's boyfriend (because five kids won these awards) i found out at his provate school there is a math teacher named mr. beatty which is the evil algebra teacher in one of my projects. my sister's too busy with her swine to care.

but i'm going to melt listening to isles & glaciers.


ps. keep my hint in mind.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"umberllas and elephants" cinematic sunrise


nobody is picking up on the quite obvious foreshadowing. i find it pretty funny to see people let it fly right over your heads everytime. i think it's petty obvius but you'll fin out soon enough. after the wedding for sure you'll know. i promise.

for now i am getting prepared to write. the next chapters wil be my best work yet. i need to bring some more people into this. but i hope you like where it's going. i'm pushing pele for predictions because there are so many you can make due to what lies ahead and the "subtle" hints i'm dropping here and there.

i want someone to figure it out. readreadread.


Monday, June 1, 2009

"tautou' brand new


new chapter up.
you're going to lose your fucking mind.
it's insane.


"la la land" demi lovato


wrote a chapter i "perfect kisses"
made jess-ee-cah pregnant
made jess-ee-cah not pregnant
trashed it.

writer' block.
