Saturday, June 13, 2009

"black mamba" the academy is...


just had a really sucky night. went to a party and was creeped on by this kid. oof. but i'm going to write for "last place" and maybe/maybe not post a little taste of it. I'm not sure where I am but a big chunk of it was deleted.

i'm listening to the academy is... right now which i haven't in a while. i miss them. i'm excited to see them/possibly meet them? this summer. but i'm so excited now.



never-explore said...

haha, you little party animal. but well, i hope your night gets better.[:

and last place! wee, i wanna read.
which brings me to ... i think i found another bennett&elisa song.

Rescue You by Jake Epstein

its not the full version. its from the degrassi movie [haha, i'm lame. i know]. but i think it will be released soon.

& you're so luckyy. getting to meet the academy is. and all that shinazz. haha, well. your summer is gonna rock.

Jasey Ray said...

escuse me i have seen every episode of degrassi up to season seven. so hah. but i'll check out the song :)

never-explore said...

okay, aha. well I didn't mean you were lame or anything. I just thought you thought I was lame for watching degrassi. but I guess not!

haha, wee.

degrassi is one of my favorite shows but I hadn't seen every episode. but I read the summaries on wikipedia! haha