Saturday, June 6, 2009

"fear of flying" a rocket to the moon


in my house we have a computer with internet and one without it. right now they are both within a five foot radius of myself. why is this important? hah. becuase the one i'm on now has the super secret untitled projects.... and? "last place" rewrite. whoo.

i watched camp rock so i have a cravign for a camp in which i'll win a duet with joe jonas- even thoguh i'm an ex-joe jonas fangirl and a dedicated stop-hating-on-kevin-even-though-i-hate-the-jonas-brothers-with-every-ounce-of-my-being person.

so why is this important also? i don't know. but! sneakpeaksneakpeaksneakpeak.

setting: lunch
elisa's pov

At lunch Cass likes to sit outside as long as it feels like summer. When it gets too cold we move inside, but for now we sit at a table. I look at the lunch I brought from home- peanut-butter and water I share with Cass- and we usually wait for Miles.

The day we met Miles was something I could never forget. It was when Cass’s hair was still its natural color and we were just little freshman. In the middle of the year we heard about a new kid from the art school a few towns over. But we were in the library and we saw this kid we’d never met before. Cass pointing him out to me saying: “That’s the new kid.”

She went up to him. Sitting down across from him, and I stood back watching him reading with the happiest look on his face. He didn’t look up at her. So finally she said something. “What are you reading?”

He didn’t even look up. “‘Oh The Places You’ll Go’.” He said it like it was normal. Like everyone read Dr. Suess in high school. “Aren’t you a little old?” Cass had asked.

That’s what made him look up at her. He wasn’t shocked. He just shook his head. “You might not know it, but Dr. Suess has a lot of meaning behind his writing…” And that’s how we met him.
Cass and Miles became friends somehow. He mixed in with the stoner-crowd for a little while. He was into drugs for a short period but his parents sent him to programs and a rehab thing over the summer. And since then he’s hung around with us.

I wouldn’t normally be friends with Miles. He listens to Cambodian Rock and reads Dr. Suess like it’s a religion. But we have one thing in common: Cass. We both think of Cass as our best friend. And Cass thinks of us as hers. So we get along. I think Miles is really smart actually. He’s just artistic. He is sort of chubby and he reminds me of Ben Gibbard. Nobody picks on him though because he slips under the radar. He just reads his Dr. Suess and makes up poetry off the top of his head and nobody calls him “fag” or “freak” he’s just Miles.

He sits down and takes out his lunch. He’s vegan or vegetarian. I’m not sure. I just know this because he fills Cass with all of these facts about how much longer you live without the toxins you get from meat and everything. But I’m never sure. I just know he doesn’t eat meat. He takes out a container of colored pasta and digs in.

I was just telling a Rachel story. You wouldn’t assume but Miles always catches on and laughs with us at her. When Cass first started hanging out with Miles it was non-stop “Miles said…” and “Miles told me…” He was her obsession. And now even after about two years of him hanging out with us, I usually experience all of the things he says that Cass would have told me later. But before I started hanging out with Miles I thought he preached about the world and enlightened you with anything he said. But he’s just a normal guy. Until he says something that makes you stop and realize he’s Miles.

Cass looked up when I finished my Rachel stories, her hand in Miles’ bag of celery he always has on Mondays. She bits a stalk of it and lowers her eyes, growing excited to tell us something. “Did I tell you what I overheard when I was in Family Living?” She asked.

I shook my head. I sip my water and wait. She chews and swallows quickly. “You know Rainie Joseph?” She asked- another Rainie Joseph story. “Well she and Bennett Williams slept with each other at a party last Friday and then they left together- right in front of her ex-boyfriend.”
Miles jumped in. He doesn’t normally. He doesn’t like hearing about Rainie Joseph and Bennett Williams stories because they come up once a week. “Wait,” He says cutting in. “Right in front of her boyfriend?”

She paused. “Oh, no,” She said. “But they were at the same party over the weekend when it happened.”

“Who did you hear it from?” He asks. Every once in a while he does this. It’s for Cass’ sake she believes everything she hears.

“This girl Lauren,” She said. “She’s a senior.”
“And who did she hear it from?” He asked.

“This girl Shelly,” She said pausing. “I think she goes to Coolen.”

“Do you think she heard it from Rainie or Bennett Williams?” He asked.
She rolled her eyes. “No,” She said.

“Then I don’t think its true Cass.” He said, he chewed his celery and acted normal. Miles is here to keep Cass sane. And he’s doing a better job than anyone could. “I mean, so what if her and Bennett Williams are together. That’s their business.”

And Cass goes quiet. I get up to throw my lunch away. Walking across the cafeteria nobody notices me, and I’m just another faded person in the room. And I don’t mind it at all. My eyes find Bennett Williams. He walks up to the same trash I’m heading towards and to throw away a paper bag and everyone watches him.

I slow down so I know he’s at least ten feet away from the trash on his way back to his table. I didn’t really know why I did, I just did.

My day goes by at a snail’s pace; a slow blur of images, math symbols, and French verbs. Until finally I get to my locker, moving faster than all day, getting my bag together and turning to see Nathan smiling at me.

I kiss him. I miss him only after a few hours, which is what I guess love does to you sometimes. I pull away. And he takes my hand. We walk down the halls. High school movies are pretty accurate actually. I’ve learned that this year.

* * *

so? this is the third part of the first chapter? what do you think? should i get to work on it some more and get ready to slap it onto old fanfiction?


1 comment:

never-explore said...

what's weird is that when Nathan popped up. I didn't really ... hate him.

But I will soon. :D

But I hated how Cass started gossiping about Rainie and Bennett.

how Miles just says that if you didnt hear it from them then its not true. Miles sounds pretty cool actually. I like how you added more of a background story for him. Because he was just like some random character to me in Last Place before. Not in a bad way of course.

But anyways,
I loveeee it Jasey.


I am freaking excited for it.

I'm just like waiting here,
for you to post it.

Because I want you to post it now. So,


Can't wait.