Sunday, June 7, 2009

"finally clean" andrea belanger


i feel like writing something random. so i will and i will post it so you can understand how my "notes" work.

setting: english class
elisa's pov

in classes it's never defined really, but there's always that person you work with when groups are made. you're inseperable even if you never talk outside of the class. but for me cass has alwasy been that person. i looked across the room and saw her talking to kevin whiteman. they weren't moving from where they were and were probably going to work together.

this has never happened to me when cass was there to work with me. so i looked away my eyes catching another pair across the room. we just sort of looked at each other. and then suddenly he got up taking his piece of paper and his book and he came over. he walked across the room sitting down across from me. brianne was up and stumbling over sleepishly to her friend.

as weeks progressed, there would be times when cass would be with kevin and i'd look across the room and he'd get up like he always did and made his way across the room to me. we finished 'catcher in the rye' and started up on romeo and juliet. so together we translated shakespeare. we analyzed the meaning and whether or not romeo and juliet were really in love.

we decided they weren't because there was more into being in love than a meeting and then wanting to get married. it seemed to unrealistic and rushed. we were the only group that labeled the romanticized and famous love story as just pure infatuation but bennett talked for me taking anyone. he debated bringing up points i said and he said until finally he had everyone convinced. other than shakespeare translators we did everything else you could do in english that we did in groups.

and all of a sudden my eyes didn't even look in cass' direction. they went straight across the room and he would get up and come over to me and we'd dive into another section of shakespeare or another topic. being friends i guess isn't a big no for us. we're friends. and somehow nobody seems ot bug us about it. it never leaves the class it seems. i think it's because more people care about that girl rainie joseph and this boy named paul she got back together with.

of all things since that night on the porch bennett seems fine. he seems happier than before. that night did something to me and to him. we weren't worlds apart i guess like i thought. we were humans and somewhere along the line we could be friends and somehow we foudn a way to be friends.

he was my shakespeare partner, my grammer partner, my hello in the hallway, the familiar face at a party or whatever else he was. and somehow i think i was the same for him. nathan never knew. and i never plan on telling him. bennett's not my secret. he'd jsut my friend.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i knew right away that she was talking about bennett.

okay, I LIED.
i didn't, i was thinking it was some other kid.

but whatever, anyways. i love this. i like how your writing doesn't really like give off the they-are-gonna-get-together vibe. just a friendly one. and i like it. :D

i love the last two paragraphs. it just seems to like, idk. it makes me feel happy inside.

post more of your notes.
i love your notes(: