Friday, June 12, 2009

"everything to you" jimmy robbins


super sad face :( tomorrow i'm going to pretend to sign on the computer and discover the spyware and hopefully have my mother wipe it off. i'm scared of her wrath though. she may/may not kill me. let's hope not. and i don't know what to do. i think i'm going to do some recording.

yeah. i may. or not.

i'm bored..


1 comment:

never-explore said...

well. i do the same thing. like, the laptop has the big ass virus and i told my mom like a week later and she told my dad and my dad got pissed. even though he's the only one that uses the laptop.

idk why.
but i have a feeling he's looking up dirty stuff online and getting all these crap on it.

cause this one time,
when i was little. we had this old grandpa computer. he just got off and i went on. and there were ... these pop ups.


so ahem. yeah. screw him. i never letting him touch my computer. got so much stuff on it. it like died in october and i lost EVERYTHING. i was very sad.

have fun. doing something. XD