Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"umberllas and elephants" cinematic sunrise


nobody is picking up on the quite obvious foreshadowing. i find it pretty funny to see people let it fly right over your heads everytime. i think it's petty obvius but you'll fin out soon enough. after the wedding for sure you'll know. i promise.

for now i am getting prepared to write. the next chapters wil be my best work yet. i need to bring some more people into this. but i hope you like where it's going. i'm pushing pele for predictions because there are so many you can make due to what lies ahead and the "subtle" hints i'm dropping here and there.

i want someone to figure it out. readreadread.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

erm yeah.
not a clue about the foreshadowing.
gimme a hint!(:

next chapters... best work...
more people...

humm, sounds like something big,
is gonna happen. i can't wait. haha

me + subtle hints = just a more confused christy.

i'm probably one of the most
blondest/slowest person you ever met.

& i'm not even blonde.

though i wanna bleach my hair blonde.
its gonna take ALOT of bleach. but,
i want red hair really bad.

black hair stinks.
its so... unoriginal.

damn genes.