Wednesday, June 17, 2009

QQ: Uick Estion


Do my musical references go right over your heads?


"...he reminded me a lot of Ben Gibbard..." - elisa talking about Miles

"...he dyed his hair pink last summer, he's more than obsessed with Saves The Day than anyone I know..." - sean on Jonah

"...Conor Oberst knew how to make me feel less alone..." - elisa (in rewrite!)

i'll explain them, but i was just curious. give me all your interpretations and i'll jsut give you the facts. their more or less emo culture refernces i guess. but i don't know. i was jsut wondering if i should cut a few in the rewrite because there's going to be a lot more in the rewrite especially referring to jonah and his saves the day obsession.


1 comment:

never-explore said...


yeah, they go right over my head. i don't really think about it because i don't know who/what the references are.

but, well. ima put on my research hat and do some ... research.

1.) isn't miles a vegan? haha. ben gibbard is one. lol. idk.

2.) not sure about the conor oberst one.

3.) i found the sean-on-jonah one. cause chris conley dyed his hair pink?

i hope im close. or at least got #3 right. haha.