Sunday, August 30, 2009

"tautou" brand new


wrote a chapter for "at the bottom" but i'm letting it sit on me for a little while. don't know if i'll rewrite it again. i probably will. i've rewritten it over and over again. it's annoying me a little. i can't get it write.

i recylcle. i like turn in cans and stuff for concert ticket money and i went in today and went to 12 items or less and legit a nice boy named peter helped me and he reminded me so much of will i felt so compelled to be incredibly nice to him. i told him to have a nice day and thanked him and was trying to be a better person. he was so nice. i loved meeting a real life will.

i've never met a bennett but i see paul's out of the wazoo. i saw a couple rainie's yesterday at the mall and a jess-ee-cah at auntie annie's pretzels. but i've seen miles before too. basically i always find my characters. my image of paul completely changed and he isn't that kid i showed a pciture of a few months ago. he is so different now to me.

goodnews: i'm feeling the love. i miss rainie and paul. i'm starting to reread like crazy. i'm going to see if i'm ready to start writing for it again. but for now i'll just write cheesy lovey-dovey situations of them. :)


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i cant wait to read the new chapter. when you post that is haha.

and i recycle too! i dont turn in stuff i just stick all my recycle crap in my blue trash cart thing. and yeah, the recycling truck comes every other monday and picks it up. :) go green!

and haha. sometimes when i go to the mall or something and see a couple they remind me of like raine&paul sometimes. hehe. just because of the couple, not the people itself. im weird like that. your stories, just like open my eyes more to like lovey-dovey stuff and couples. its so weird. you're the reason i daydream about cheesy couples. and i love to. its amazing.

anyways, that would be cool if your stories were to become movies (and hopefully good book-to-movie movie because usually they suck. :x). but they'll probably have a hard time finding actors cause no one could be as gorgeous as rainie or as tall and handsome as bennett or as buff as paul or whatever lol or someone short like elisa. which is pimp, because that means your characters are so real. which like... your books doesnt need to become movies.

haha. i ramble.

yeah soo... yup.