Thursday, October 1, 2009

"visions of kody" visions of kody


so i've been lazy. i'm rereading "catcher in the rye" and then doing nothing. i found a tv show i actually like to watch... so that's always good. but i have to say i have no writing right now except for my kody and anthony story.

this losing a computer is really wigging me out. but i usually download albums the entire time i'm on this computer as i am now. getting into some conor oberst biznat and m. ward albums too. but ohmylanta i'm owning high school. it's s0 easy. you have no idea. middle school was harder.

i kind of have no friends now because i am drifting away from my middle school friends and am kind of aloof but you know... i'm kind of happy. kind of sad. i'm just in the middle. i'm observing people a lot more but i usually am rushing to all of my classes to avoid people i don't want to talk to. i've seen jonah like 7 times in all different boys and then a becky and a rachel powers but i see paul spinella a lot in like... music videos.

but i'm doing all these clubs and want to befriend all these people. i'm considering being an english teacher now. so i can write and still be able to live. so thumbs up everyone. i'm aiming for all a's which is pretty easy looking now after a month. so i can get into a good college for art and writing and music.

i want to be john green someday. he's a fugging beast.



never-explore said...

Losing a computer sucks indeed. Mine died a couple times before and I just into major meltdown and bang my head against the floor wondering how it can be so stupid. But so far it hasn't been evil since last October. Yay!

New obsession. :)

I need to download more albums too. Wee.

AND I'M OWNING 8TH GRADE. Cause fuck, I finally brought up my algebra grade. But its still hard. Harder than 7th grade. And high school still seems hard. I went to a football game at my high school (well the football game was my school's but like yeah... it was just there) and the people are just like walking by and going all, "Hey baby." and I'm just freaked out and scared. They're so big.

And my friends are starting to bug me. I mean, they seem so much less fun that it used to be. But I cling to them because without them I will be nobody. And I am this close to being a nobody. Being a nobody stinks.

Everyone here aren't interesting. I want to meet someone interesting and be their friend.

And yay! Clubs are fun. I wouldn't really ever join one because people scare me and I just don't like them which is really baddd because I just said I want to make new interesting friends but I can't make new friends without DOING something.

Anyways, I don't even know what I wanna be or what college I wanna go to or what I'm going to do or whateverr. So far, I have no future. =/

I finished Looking for Alaska last night and hot damn. It is a fucking amazing book. It has this weird meaning to me and gahh its so weird. And I just knew Alaska was going to die. All the foreshadowing shit and when she did. With the daises and her mom and the anniversary. Its like whooa. Amazing book. I want to copy everything and put it in my Favorite quotes on Facebook. Hah, cause I'm weird like that. I want to enlighten people with words.

Words that I didn't create of course.

Anyways, I can't wait for ... something. I don't know. At the end of my comments I always say I'm excited for something. So yeah. Woo I'm excited for everything. Yay!

Between You And I said...

Catcher In The Rye is such a good book. I read it for my ap lit class my senior year of high school and it just completely knocked me backwards with how much it affected me.

I'm sorry that your computer died. My laptop might have to get wiped clean so it does't die naturally. I think it has a virus. Nasty little buggers. What tv show did you get into watching?

That's good that high school is going easy on you. I don't think my freshman year was so nice to me. As for drifting away from your friends, I think it's something that happens to everyone. I lost and got new friends so many times in high school. The ones that I guess I was meant to be friends with though I always found myself back next to in the end. High school is a time for finding yourself even if you find yourself without the people you've been with for all of middle school.

I hope that you update soon. Anything at all. I think I've spent the past couple of days reading all of your posts on here. It's sad that no-one is updating on fanfiction. Life happens however and I know that I am the first to get distracted by life.

Anyways, good luck with everything. I can't wait for your next blog post.

p.s. I hope you don't think I'm some sketchy random person. I just saw that you could comment on the blog posts here and I mean, everyone loves to get reviews on fanfiction so I of course jumped to "let's comment on here too".