Monday, June 8, 2009

"all i see" lydia


so on my new phone i can write a lot. it has word documents and stuff. but of all things this book i want to get is coming out next tuesday so i need to get it. or else. but then again i can't so i'll have to wait for it to surface online somewhere. i know it's illegal but i'm broke nad my mom doesn't got no credit card anymore.

i titled the story about the kid named kody who meets anthony "kody you can't win" it's a working title but just for now that's it. i now have noah and amanda's story moving into the top slot for my untitled stories but it will also be a heavy book. not so light and fluffy like my writing seems to be. but it's a love story through and through.

if you're a writer or if you make up characters you always get a certain attachment to them. you let a little inspiration make the spine and then you plant a piece of your heart in them and let the circulatory system flow. then you let the skin grow and the hair and the eyes and the face and the fingernails. they come to life really. and it's weird to explain it but i didn't know whta it was like to be so attached to one but my greatest moment was writing the one-shot where rainie died. that killed me. i was sobbing and i couldn't do much else. i was going ot make it a lot longer but i kept taking three minute to five minute crying breaks.

what's worse is that my crying breaks will be much mroe often now because my books aren't so happy and i'll get butterflies less and less when i write. maybe even more and more. but my stories come out happy and sad soemtimes it depends on what the mud hardens into. but after watching movie after movie and falling in love with each one i watch i have a feeling my writing is going ot get better too.

i got a job at the library. well not really, but i started volunteering and stuff. i "shelf read" which means i go into the non fiction section and reorder the mixed up books. it's not so bad except for this one book was just sitting there called "what's going on down there?: questions boys don't like to ask" and believe me it kind of creeped my because this boy was picking up all these books on trains and the book was sitting right there.

i hate little kids. but gosh. i don't even think he could read but the pictures were kind of funky and awkward. it's basically the black-and-white cartoon version of 6th grade health class videos. oof. i felt extremely awkward. especially with a mother going on and on about the bunny she was going to get. if it's a boy it will be named "pedroia" if it's a girl it will be named "amy."

BUT anyways i fell in lvoe with indie music and if you've watched the movie elf the girl who plays the girl he falls in love with is like my life. her name is zooey and she's so cool and indie and i love her band. i also cannot wait for her movie. it's a sundance and it's so good. ah.

but sorry for this long awkward blog. i was just updating. my computer has viruses on my browser and i'm scared to log onto it. all my writing pieces are on it so i'm super scared to go on in case it kills me. oof.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

aha, how do you get books online? O:
cause i hate buying them because i end getting bored. cause i dont like rereading big ole books. or books that sucked. LIKE BREAKING DAWN. god, wasted 12 bucks on that.

but i hope you get the book. or at least find it online.[:

i like the title, "kody you can't win". whats it supposed to mean?

and noahnoahamandaamanda i cant wait. i can tell your writing is different for this story. more professional sounding. big words. woo. lol

haha, i get what you mean about the attachment thing. i don't write but i like making up stories in my mind. i hate ending those stories, cause like i love like.. um idk. controlling them? haha.

when rainie died,

that was like,

the way you write, you like. pull all of your readers INTO the story. and its like, yeah painful when the main girl like dies. im so scared to read the chapter again cause i dont wanna get all like omgomgomgogmgmgshedied again. even though its an alterative ending. cause like, gah. if she really dies then i feel like i dont have a reason to read perfect kisses anymore lol.




the book.
lol, thats so nice. would a boy seriously like pick it up and look through it.


aha, yeah.

haha, this year in science we watched a puberty video. and it was hilarous. cause it had the guy have an erection and everyone was just laughing. and then it turns out when you start freaking out and stuff when you're around your crush means that you're like on sex drive? lololl.

no idea.
anyways, i learned alot of stuff after watching that video.

and then a month later some people from this abstinence program came. i got pretty pissed because i was just like wtf. do they have to go through all that stuff before sex? (it was like hand holding, hugging, close mouth kissing, french, groping, undressing, ORAL sex, and then sex). and they were like yeahh. and i was just like wtf. WRONG.

so ahem yep.

what is wrong with you. haha. jk.

i love little kids. and well, some of them love me too. aha, the others like putting ice down my shirt.

i dont love them either. so neh.

ahh, noooo. i hope your computer recovers!

cause then if not. you'll lose your writing stuff.

and you'll be sad.
and when you're sad, im sad.

or actually, i'd just be sad cause i wont have anything to read.

but i dont like when people are sad,
so i'd be sad because you're sad too.
