Friday, June 12, 2009

"change is hard" she & him

setting: park
noah's pov

i was beginning to get uncomfortable. where i was sitting was not really a good place but i didn't want ot move because i knew she was drawing and she was looking up at me even when we were talking so i knew she was busy drawing me. and of all things my ass was starting to hurt.

she stopped looking up though a few minutes ago. i looked at her from the corner of my eye. "hey, uh," i said. "can i move?"

she put a finger up in the air. i waited. there was a part of my that didn't want to jump and move around. i liked to see her draw. she concentrated and she just drew. taking a picture with no camera. but i just focused as hard as i could on not moving. she dropepd the sketchbook and her pencil flexing her hand looking at it.

then she looked up. "sorry, what?" she asked.

i smiled a little. "never mind," i lay down on the blanket. she jut looked at me shrugging on shoulder and shutting her sketchbook. nobody was in the park today. it was sunny but everyone was out to see the big parade. we were alone.

she tucked her short black hair behind her ears and sighed. wrapping her arms carelessly around her leg. she looked around. "it's so deserted here." she said.

"i know," i said. i rested my arm underneath my head. "i kind of like it though."

"why?" she said.

i flashed my eyebrows up and down. hintign something jokingly and she laughed. she scooted over lying down next to me. she touched my face. she leaned in kissing my cheek. "noah?" she whispered.


"don't grow a beard, please." she said. i looked at her smiling. she turned on her side so our noses were practically touching and she just stared into my eyes. she brushed hair out of my forehead just a little. as if posing me for a painting and making everythign just right.

i didn't quite know what we were. she wasn't my girlfriend. we kissed and all and we went to the park and we talked and went out to eat. but i think that's dating. or so nicole says and i say. but i didn't know what amanda thought. i wanted to but asking her head on sugested that i didn't think of her as my girlfriend which would make her say she wans't either. but then again i didn't know her that well. that's just what girls have done before.

she kissed me. i closed my eyes and moved my hands to her neck. then it started bugging me. of all things i wanted amanda to be my girlfriend. i liked her enough to not worry about liking other girls. i never had to worry the day after i met her about ever liking someone else. i liekd everything about her and we were something for a while. her lips moved away from mine and i opened my eyes. they moved to my neck. i didn't swallow.

"amanda," i said. and she puleld away looking at me. playing her hand so it lined up with the pulse of my neck. i looked at her. she had those hazel eyes. right now they were green. "i really like you."

she blushed a little. "i like you too." she whispered back. i hadn't oticed i had been whispering but i guess i was. she kissed me but i pulled away after a few secnds. i moved my hands to her tiny boney wrists and looked into her eyes.

"will you be my girlfriend?" i whispered.

she just looked at me. her wide eyes smiled and she smiled all of a sudden. she just looked at me not answering. i thought it'd be sad if she said no but my hopes were so high now. she brushed my hair away again. "yes," she said.

and i smiled. i moved my hand to her face and brushed hair out of her face. she closed her eyes feeling the heaviness of my hand on her cheek. she opened them and we just smiled at each other through our eyes.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

this is so sweet.

haha but i like the beginning when noah's ass was hurting but he didn't want to move and stuff. haha, its cute.

and the way noah was all like wondering if amanda should be his girlfriend or not. etcetc.

its cute,
& sweet. i like it.
