Thursday, June 25, 2009

"lonely night" saves the day


so i went and hung out with my now friend once ex-boyfriend and we went to newbury comics to look into the open mic night. we looked through the vinyl section and i died seeing get up kdis vinyls for my favorite records by them. and then death cab for cutie. they even had "siamese dream" by the smashing pumpkins. but no "what's the story morning glory" by oasis. and i almost checked for sunday drive- but then i remembered: non-existant.

then we went into CDs and i had a musical explosion. they. had. saves the day. in reverie. i was soooo excited and happy about it. i had no money and it was just amazing to touch and hold. but it was broken and used. i tried it out on the used CDs stereo they have. "no disc" when there was one. then we classified ourselves under what kind of geek we were when we read this book called "the girls' guide to dating a nerd."

i'm the art geek.
he's the party/computer geek.

but here's my thing. i started writing and ended up posting two chapters of deserted stories. so i hope you liked them. "leaving" is my worst writing. "all we ever needed" is some of my best.

but anyways. i'm uber-excited for my open mic. i'm playing at 8:15 tomorrow night :) and i'm playing:
"when i hit the ground" ace enders
"the artist" the hush sound
"forever&always" taylor swift

i don't know the fourth one. but i might play jenny lewis? yeah. i might. a good one too. so my guitar teacher doesn't kill me for playing taylor swift.

but i'm going to go practice and decide which one i want to play. so peace out.


ps. funny story: me and my now friend once ex boyfriend went out to lunch. we had $25. the bill was $25.37. we left all we had and booked it. our waitress was hillary. she probably took our pictures so i can never go there again.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

for the longest time. i thought sunday drive was a real band. i tried looking them up and i didn't find anything. just sunday drive by the early november. i didnt really figure it out until you posted that playlist and the early november's sunday drive was a song. and i was just like, "oh... right."

i wanna buy cds so bad. i only have one lol. but my mom is just like, "no, just download them". and yeah, thats what i do. when i got ace ender's "when i hit the ground" cd, i was excited and all happy. thats why i want to buy cds. i like being happy. :D

lol. your friend, how could he be a computer AND a party geek? lol. thats like an oxymoron.

im probably just a plain computer geek. haha.

the chapters that you posted, i thought they were equally good. haha, though i thought "leaving" had more of me going crazy. with john punching california and stuff.


i hope you rock it. ill like cross my fingers for you at 8:15. or 7:15 my time haha. well, if i remember. my memory = horrid.

and haha about the lunch incident thing. well not like HAHA. but like, haha nice. i hope you guys are still able to go there. lol

so yeah,
again good luck with open mic.(: