Thursday, June 18, 2009

A: nswers


1. "...he reminded me a lot of Ben Gibbard..." - elisa talking about Miles

2. "...he dyed his hair pink last summer, he's more than obsessed with Saves The Day than anyone I know..." - sean on Jonah

3. "...Conor Oberst knew how to make me feel less alone..." - elisa (in rewrite!)

so here are my references and what not. i'm thinking about cutting down on some and or explaining them maybe. i don't know. i haven't met anyone who knows saves the day at all anymore. sadly. *sigh* but i'll try and tihnk it over.

1. ben gibbard is the lead singer of the band death cab for cutie. google image him.

2. chris conley had pink hair at one time, yes. you can see it in their music video for "the end" off of sound the alarm (?)

3. conor oberst- man behind bright eyes.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i thought you meant some more like ... meaningful.

when i did my research. I SAW ALL OF THAT. but i guess my brain is so dead that it didnt comprehend it. wee.

but at least i got the jonah one right.

cause i love jonah.