Sunday, June 14, 2009

"the prize fighter" the velvet teen


been writing up a storm. will have chapters up in no tiem at this rate although i am definatly finishing "perfect kisses" before i post anything. but i just keep writing and writing cass-ify-ing and miles-ify-ing and nathan-ify-ing all through elisa.

i think i relate to elisa most.

the reason i have so much inspiration? i jsut found my seventh grade diary and read about how in love i was with my first boyfriend and it's sad to know i hated him a month after i dare write the words "i love him" and to know finally we have a chance to be friends again.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

weeee! more perfect kisses. and blank-ify-ing writing. can't wait!

haha, awww. i think everyone has said i love you in a relationship at least once and didn't really mean it. or like, feel it. whatever.

and i think i also relate to elisa most!

cause we're both short. & we're both invisible. aha. except, she probably talks more than i do.

and she could attract a guy like bennett williams.

... and then marry him.

jesus christ. nevermind. i am nothing like her. xD