Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"take our cars now" saves the day


so my saves the day obsession is like peaking now. ahhhhfuckfuckfuck. sooooo good. sory i just had a musical orgasm. sorry that gross. oof. but me and my friend are going to look into an open mic night. he plays piano and wants to do something for it and i just want ot play musique.

also: super short chapter up. foreshadowing. foreshadowing. foreshadowing. if you find it i'll give you... i don't know. i should come up with something like: if you come up with what the foreshadowing is i'll send yo all i have so far in "last place"? as you may have also noticed i added a rewrite progress thing. so check it too.

and i don't know. what would you want thats free and won't require me knowing our address in exchange for figuring it out? hmmm.



never-explore said...

lololololll. musical orgasm. thats hilarious. anyways, good luck with the open mic night. break a leg! haha, yeah. i would never say that aloud. its a phrase that i never really got.

and umm just to tell you. chapter 44 was merged with chapter 43. like its together. and yeah ... just look and you know what i mean.

i think rainie and paul are gonna sleep with each other? O:

haha, erm nah. thats too extreme. erggh god. i can't think of it. its probably like right there in my face but i'm so oblivious that i cant see it.

like i would be looking for like ... lets say a soda. and im just looking in my pantry and i get all pissed and frustrated and i scream at my mom and she'd just say its right THERE. and eh yeah. thats how i am.

and yes, i get mad when i cant find something. it annoys me. i throw tantrums.

okayokay, lets see. im gonna reread all the chapters that you said foreshadowing was in and i'll see what i can find haha.

erm, i saw that two chapters you had said there were predictions in had bennett. haha.



okay, no.
this is so not easy to figure out.

if i figure it out then i want that last place rewrite lol.

must know.

im ripping my hair out right now. this is very hard. very very hard. i'll figure it out eventually.

never-explore said...


i know it has to do something with rainie's "I DON'T LOVE HIM"s. i know so. i know i know. hhahahahsdksafdafdfds

never-explore said...

whatwhatwhat. triple comment?!

but i found a paul&rainie song. during "the quiet things that no one knows" sequel thing.

Konstantine-Something Corporate

i read the lyrics before i even listened to the song and it just screamed them haha. but i listened, and the song is pretty good.