Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"thursday" chiodos


on my regular blog- yes i do manage two blogs, i have had the same post reblogged at least four times. it was one talking about craig owens. and also if you've heard of alternative press magazine (it's basically a music zine of all the music thats big in the "emo" music world and also my personal bible) there are two issues where my written in letters have been published. and i'm writing in again right now. even if i'm super late for it.

but in my grade we are havign this awards ceremony. my sister insists i'm probably in the running for "a billion awards" but i don't know about that. and they are going to pick six memories out of my grade and i hope i get picked. i just am craving that stage. to be on it and the center of attention again.

i feel like i have the potential to be great. i was given creativity. now i just need to let myself out. but here's my excuse: i fell in love with reading again recently. i can't stop. i jsut came on to see my popularity on my other blogging site went up four points.

and here i am realizing i need to get to work on my other writing stuff. so peace. OH! huge changes are underway in "last place" HUGE. HUGE. HUGE. it's going to be awesome.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

ahh thats so cool. your letters being published.

we had an awards ceremony too during the last week of school. and i got 2. they were like super nerdy ones.

top science and A honor roll. aha.

i know. but people love 'em. so. wee!

but you love being the center of attention? haha, when they were calling up people. i was all freaked out and scared of being called up. and like i was afraid people were gonna boo me or something. cause im so nerdy right? haha. yeah. but i wasnt.


i hope you get 2842030 awards. & that you get to be a memory(?).

haha you ARE great. with writing & painting/drawing & singing/playing your guitar & everything else that ... you're great at.

everyone is beautiful. weee.

i love everyone.

and i sound like a hippie.

okay, so. i can't wait for the HUGE HUGE HUGE changes for last place. can't wait. woooo!