Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Alabama" Paper Rival


I'm listening to a radio thing. I typed in "Anthony Green" and it gave me tis amazing medley of indie-emo-rock amazingness I have been enjoyign for hours as I fill out surveys and decide on what picture to get of Bill Beckett- some girl on the boards was kind enough to offer to make prints for free, I picked a lovely picture of my number one Hero.

But my dad is pretty pushy about e getting a shirt done. I'll psot picks whe its enfin finished. But I am getting pretty agrivated. I get very aggrivated while drawing or painting and I get scared I'm hurting he peopel who support me. But I let it out with my art. Something ugly and resisting any power I have to make it satisfactory. And sometimes art is my shuttle away from reality. Where I can bock out my demons and the world's demons and be free. Be myself and alive for one moment or so.

Some people think going to the movies or the bars or parties all the time is living and beign a part of the world. I'm never asked anywhere so I don't fight it. When I want to get out I will. When I want to expirience the world I will. I'm having a moment a breathe from life to recouperate and trying to fgure out what I want in this world.

Right now I want to be surrounded by art. To be drowning in it and to be dedicated to the artists I owe everything to. Sure, I need to get out more, but why go out if I just waste money? Why go out to go out when I'd rather be somewhere else. Passivty vs. Passion. My passion is in art. In music. In painting. In writing. In books.

I'm really independant. I don't like people relying on me day and night to be with them which is pretty much my personaliy saying "screw you" when I start dating and opening myself up to people and bringing them close to me. I don't believe in having a best friend that isn't blood related right now. I've lost more best friends than I gain them.

What makes glaciers is when it snows more than it melts and then when it's heavy enough it starts to drift, and is pulled down by gravity until they start going back uphill. That's how I work. When there's more pain and loss in one person they start to slip. They need to melt and move on and retreat back up the moutianside.

I'm sorry if this is a diary entry. But I have to say my writing hopefully expresses these ideas or will someday. They definatly will with Rainie. She and I are alike in this way.

So goodnight. I'll go enjoy my last glass of my favorite juice and read and get inspired.
Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

is it pandora? x)
lmao. but i used that to get tons songs/artists. LIKE OWL CITY. haha, i searched nevershoutnever. and wee, i'm happy i did. :D

and secondhand serenade! i searched dashboard confessional. lmao. dear god. i love pandora. though i don't really use it anymore.

oh! haha. about mr. bilvy.

yeah. i saw that and i was like, lmao. anyways.

i can't wait to see your shirts. haha. i bet they're awesome.

haha. i REALLY REALLY need to get out more. the only time i probably get out is probably ... to go to school or to go grocery shopping with my mom. like the last time i really went out was probably back in january with my friends for somebody's birthday party.

BUT YOU KNOW. amen. i spent like something dollars for some lame movie. when i could have just stayed home and do what i love which is ... wasting my life on the interweb. yeah, i'm quite undecided on what my passion is. photoshopping? digital art? i dunno. SCIENCE? ... nah.

i honestly don't think i'll make it into the real world when i'm older.

I DON'T WANNA GROW UP. cause like, its scary. for me. to just think about me being in high school. or like just being in 8th grade next year. cause like. garr. its scary. i'm scared of the world. D:

which is why i always act young for my age. but sometimes i act old for my age. i don't think i ever act my age. CAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT. i don't ever grow. [:

which might explain my height. teehee. BUT I'M FUN-SIZED. hahaha. i bet i'm shorter than elisa. ;3

i dont have a best friend either. cause like. yeah, i just don't. maybe my sister? because like. around my friends, i don't ever act myself. what am around them is a quiet-awkward nerd. and around my sister, i'm a really hyper-perverted-crazy stupid kid. yeah like the total opposite. i think i'm just afraid of what they'd think of me.

or maybe i just have muliple personality disorder. haha.

ah, yes. ANOTHER LIFE STORY COMMENT. but whatever. hope you enjoyed reading about me? ;3