Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Over This" Ace Enders


I do not picture the original Paul Spinella when I picture Paul Spinella.
Oof. I jsut realized that now.

Revelations make revolutions
And I feel revolution in the works
Jasey Ray


never-explore said...

what does mr. paul spinella look like? D:

the real one. that is. you confused me. haha. original as the ace enders one? or ... your paul. ajkdfjfsd.

brain fart.

Jasey Ray said...

i had a icture isaw way back when i was cmng p with him and it sort of stuck with me and with this rewrite i referred back to that picue a lot but i realized now when i picture him he's differe looking than that picture in my head.

it's bascally my story gaining more of a bckbone to it. it's more o its own feet instead ofbeing fed images and songs to remain the same