Friday, April 10, 2009

"Miracle Sun" Anthony Green


I never had such an intense aristic moment before. I was just painting. A faceless man. And I made it and found myself standing up leaning down fingerpainting and beingso unaware of it. I started breathing heavily and almost gasping. And my iPod just regulated my heart beat and my feeling. I just painted. Painted. Painted. It didn't come out incredible but it is my interpretation of a man who changed my life and who influences me to this day. Anthony Green is invcredible. I hope one day to meet him AGAIN and not be the fat wet chick with nasty hair and a high-pitched voice.

But I'm quite satisfied and hope I get to hand it up somewhere. I think my true calling with paintings is just in the shirts. I so bad ass shirts. I'll take a pic and post it. It's going on my facebook fersher.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

oh wow. geez lady. that is seriously amazing. i never had that feeling. maybe when i was just like running and had a like a mini asthma attack. but i dont think that counts? x]

it probably just says that i need to get my lazy ass of the computer chair and do some more running.

BUT. haha. i went to my mom's friend's son's birthday party. AND THERE WERE SO MANY KIDS. ah. i love kids. specially the shy ones. i like making them unshy. there was this one kid that was crazy. he was really shy. but then i like played with him. and like. whoa. he was crazy. he was rolling down the stairs and jumping over the rails and stuff (kinda. i was like gripping him with all my might. he was heavy.) and at the end. i was so freaking sweaty. and then we went outside and inside the bounce house. HE WAS FREAKING JUMPING ON ME. but haha. it was fun. i love kids. again.

but there was this girl that kept putting ice down my shirt. i got pretty pissed at that kid. teehee.

I HOPE YOU MEET ANTHONY GREEN. geez, why is everyone named anthony? xD

haha. i kid. i kid. my half brother is named anthony. he lives in like florida. i only met him once in my life when i was like 4. haha. and god. he so spoiled. my dad gave him $500 for his birthday. and i was like, "... no comment".

and then my half sister. HAHA. she got a laptop. and even more money.

they're all like going into college and stuff.

ahhaahsjfdg. i'm telling you too much personal stuff.

but who cares. its not like you're gonna use it against me. ahahahdfsjg... hope you don't?

i wanna see your shirts. you should take a picture of them too? x]