Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"All I Have" The Rocket Summer


So I'm currently covering and taping myself doing some songs. Waiitng for peopel to rip my face of saying I suck, but they haven't yet. YouTube people aren't so nice, but some dude helped me out gave me some advice which made me feel pretty good.

But I want to know what you think of the Friday Night thing!! I need some reviews! Please!! I have some big old ideas in this brain of mine and they are being pushed aside by my quest for YouTube stardom. Come on!


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Lady. I bet your voice is amazing. Or if not, at least good. ;]

Buttt. You need to stop posting chapters when I am sleeping. Lmao. But I read them all in the morning on my iPod. ^^

I shall now review!