Monday, April 20, 2009

"Breathe Again" Jimmy Robbins


So tomorrow I plan on posting some YouTube videos of me singing badly/covering songs which will be pretty sad and pathetic. I haven't been able to write at all for "Perfect Kisses" becuase of that little thing I added. I was an emotional wreck for a little while. But I'm happy and writing a nice happy story.

Ooof. So now I'm going to get some soda to drink. No ginger ale. I drank a whole bottle practically on my way to a dance competition for my sister. But it was worth it. It held me over for a few days.

I'm gonna be writing this night too. Hopefully a few updates. Review though! Now.

Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

This the day when I see THE JASEYRAY?! O:

Le gasp. Hahaha.
But, yeah. The little thing was still amazing though. But, MORE HAPPY PERFECT KISSES. :D

Me and my friends were talking about giner ale today in PE. And the first thing I though was ... GUESS?

You. xD

And then we started talking about apple juice. BECAUSE I JUST LOVE APPLE JUICE.

I read chapter four of the ... Will story in the morning. Haha.

WHICH. I will now review.