Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Calender Days" The Rocket Summer


So I whipped out my handy dandy calender for "Perfect Kisses" and was looking at the dates. I highlighted all of the important events and I was shocked to find we're already in June with them! That means only one thing! Sunday Drive's going to be in two weeks. And you know what(?) I have another little twist coming up. Which I think you'll like.

But I'm really inspired right now. I've cut down like ten chapters I think. Which is massive! Hah. I'm feeling pretty happy right now. I'm blasting Ace Enders and singing at th top of my lungs while writing like a crazy person.

Sunday Drive today possibly? But I'm going to go through the original and see if I need to add anything.


Jasey Ray


never-explore said...

the calender has confused me. xD
so its for perfect kisses right? not exactly the like.. the 2009 one?

cause i was like, "WUT. WHY'D SHE CIRCLE STUFF IN 2008."

aha yeah. i dunno.
but YAY! sunday drive maybetoday. i shall write on my forehead, "maybetoday sunday drive show."


Jasey Ray said...

i started using the calender things while writing "last place" which iswhy it is easily seperated into months. but any dates in 2009 are for "Last Place" but my real "Last place" calander is in my closet.

haha. it's a weird technique but it works.

"Perfect Kisses" goes from March to September 2005 (even though I use a 2008 calender)

And "Last Place" goes from September 2005 to June 2006.