Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Ohio is For Lovers" Hawthorne Heights


I'm busybusy today. No time. Nothing. I'm doing these shirts. And my mum is trying ot get me out of the house. She won't let me get the shirts she tells me to get done done. She wants m to go to the carnival. I don't want to go to the carnival! I don't care!

I'm a little rushed and busy. I'm sorry. So sorry. I jsut hate when people say one thign and then do something ot make you not do it and get mad. If that makes sense. I'm just sick f all of this stuff to get me out into the world. There's nothing to do with my friends. I just want ot get this stuff done so I can just relax. But no. I have to text this person and go there. I want to get work done!

I sound middle-aged but come on! Major Oof Day.

Anyways! I'm working on chapter 6 of "All We Ever Needed" it's a little twisted but your gonna' like it. And also the BIG changes in "Last Place" is going to be exciting to write. And I'm mentally preparing myself to write "Perfect Kisses." Ooof. Oof. Ooof.

I'm going to go listen to aggresive music and make peace sign shirts.
Jasey Ray.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

My mom is trying to make me buy a dress for my cousin's wedding. D:

And I don't wanna buy a dress for my cousin's wedding. Because I don't feel like going to the mall. But I do want to buy some new clothes. Like shorts. I really, really, really, really, really neeeddd shorts. Ahaaa, but I hate my knees. BUT ITS SO HOT. I'm probably just gonna wear tights underneath. Wooo.


Oh well. Screw it. I'm gonna wear capris!

Butttt, I hope you like relax and stuff later. Just breathe. DEEP BREATHS. Haha, breathing never works for me when I'm like stressed. Just like, sleeping helps me. And I did lots of sleeping yesterday. And my head hurt like crap and my bones ached. And idk. I hate Saturdays. Specially when I'm an aching lump.

BUTT. I cannot wait for chappie 6. Haha, twisted eh?


And LastPlaceLastPlaceLastPlace. I cannot wait. HURRY UP AND POST IT.

hahaha, kid. But just know you got my super hyped up for it. ;]