Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"You Said You Loved Me" Cinematic Sunrise


We're reading about alcohol in school. Well in Health. And I was the crazy chick going on and on about Blackouts asking questions and shit. People must think I'm trying ot get one or something. They must think I'm a creep. But I was collectign all that infor for something in the future!!!!!!

Get excited.

I'm going to write the part I was thinking of for some practice.

Jase Yray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

In Science, we were talking about reading food labels!

Joy. Joy. Lucky for me that I got to go home early. I can never stand block days with Ms. Gow. Though, I got to finish my little journey of a cheeseburger story. ;3

Haha. I wanna like ... get drunk one day and see all the pretty colors. For some reason. I dunno. Cause like, I seen my dad drunk a billion of times. And he's all slur'ry and stuff and he can't ever close his mouth.

Though last time he was drunk, I almost cried. Because like, I was afraid he was gonna attack me or something. ._.

... Maybe I don't want to anymore.

But! I can't wait for the future thing using blackout info? xD
Haha, well. It'll be interesting I bet.

And now, I shall go back to finished my notes.

Wish me luck for the test tomorrow!

And yes, I'm so a procrastinator. Doing my notes the night before. x]