Monday, April 6, 2009

"High and Dry" Radiohead


I just got like 15 or 16 hours of sleep. I missed school obviously, but I've never slept so much before. I jsut downed a full bottle of ginger ale and watched the new episode of TAI TV like seven times. I let my inner fangirl come out best I can but I'm a little too sick to start spazzing about my love's new haircut. Oof.

I'm not going to do any writing today. I'm going to memorize some Shakespeare and watch music videos. I'm not doing so hot that's all. So I'm sorry. I'll make some notes of Sunday Drive show though to make it as good as I've hyped it up to be.

I'm going to make a chicken sandwich becuase I think it's better for me than Ramen Noodles. And I'm going to listen to and love my fab-five- The Academy Is...- all day. They always make me feel better when I'm emotionally and mentally and physically sick somehow.

Edit. I just realized characters in books don't usually get the common cold. It's weird. But I'mm non-conform and add that to my ideas for "Last Place" rewrite.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

jasey. i think you have gotten me sick. CAUSE I CAN'T STOP SNEEZING. or my nose won't stop running. haha. seriously though. i used like 825424902 tissues today and i coughed my head off. ;3


yep. but. GET WELL SOON! have tons of fun with music and writing. and all that stuff. haha.

AND AND AND. hahahahaha. if like elisa got the cold or something, bennett can try to make her better and stuff. ahh. that would be sweet. AND THEN HE'LL CATCH IT TOO. weee

but yeah. GET WELL SOON!