Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Coney Island" Good Old War


So I posted three updates in a twelve hour period. And I could go on and on. Jeeez. How to you spell jeez? Geeze? Jeeze? I have no idea. I just bought loads of stuff on iTunes which feels weird. I usually hack all my stuff or buy real CDs.

But anyways! I have a few things planned for "Perfect Kisses" a little more here and there of things I forgot and adding mroe to it becuase there's so much I can add after writing "Last Place." I don't see why writers always start at the beginning with a new idea. I say now start at the end so you know what's going to happen.

But I'm going to have a slice of my favorite pizza and some ginger ale. My mother refused to buy me more. So I'm going to just freak out and enjoy my last glass.

Peace Love and Gap.
Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

GEEZ. That's how I spell it. ^^
And. YOU NEED TO POST THAT REWRITE. Seriously. I wanna read it so bad now. D;

And Pizza. Aha, I ate some yesterday. I even ordered it online cause my mom was lazy to call and I was on the laptop anyways. Lmao. I spent like 6 hours on my homework yesterday. PROCRASTINATING ROCKS.

Ginger ale. I don't think I drank some of that in a long time. But. I freak out when I run out of apple juice.

Cause apple juice = life.