Sunday, March 8, 2009

"If It Means That Much To You" A Day To Remember


So I've been a creative little freak all weekend. I attempted to draw William Beckett but epically failed so I decided yo give up and draw The Butcher (Academy Is... drummer) and found my sister blasting Jimmy Robbins music asking me to rip it off YouTube for her. Which I did gladly. And then led to her showing me a Jonas Brothers song that she liked (personally I prefer Jesse McCartney when it comes to cheesy awful Disney music - he's my guilty pleasure/on Greek next season!) and then she played this song that this boy showed her (mind you she has a boyfriend but she is very much like Jess-ee-cah even though she has a BF).

And it's changed everything. I'm obsessed. I learned it on guitar in five minutes and have played it at least twenty times in the past 15 hours.

So I tried working on my "Perfect Kisses" Rewrite but I couldn't. I kept branching off and writing "Last Place" which is very annoying and weird. I used to HATE "Last Place" and was dying to write this rewrite.

But role reversal. And so here I am, just waking up an hour ago. It's 2PM where I am. And I have three notebook pages all for "Last Place" because I have hit a rather hard wall in my rewrite, but I'll go back and start working on that and hopefully update tonight when my mother is working.

Listen to this song and take in the beauty of everything I absolutly love in a song. Everything about it. The guitar. The vocals that tell a story. Boy and Girl. Plus that girl from Versaemerge is awesome! And then the build up where it breaks off into acapella and then fades. God, it was made for me. Just gorgeous. Listen ot the lyrics. They are so good.

I want to try out for my school's talent show playing a song and singing (epicfail) and I was caught between two but I think this is it. I jsut can't get the melodies right and I need to memorize the guitar but they haven't brought up the Talent Show yet so I have time. And even tohugh I'll ruin the song I'l trying otu for me and what not.

La la la
Jasey Ray.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aha omg. My sister is obsessed with Jesse McCartney. She was listening to like 'Over' something. And I was getting annoyed. When she likes a song, she listens to it all day. And then I start singing along and then I start hating myself for singing along. Ho dear. She’s listening to him again right now! D;
No offense or anything. XD

And gah. I’m so jealous. I want a guitar. And learn to play it. My dad’s gonna get me one in the summer because he wants me to learn to play it because he wanted to learn how to play when he was young. If I didn’t want to play it, I would probably be pissed at him. But I want to so I’m happy. I don’t want to take lessons though. I don’t like strangers or people... >.>

And. IMO, I love “Last Place” more than “Perfect Kisses” because it has that like suspense and anticipation in it. Well, it has more. Like I totally knew that Bennett&Elisa were gonna get together but it took forever and I went crazy when they did. And Paul&Rainie like went out in something chapter and I wasn’t really suspecting that so I was like, “Whoa.” But they had more break ups and blah. I dunno why I’m rambling.


And ahahaa. Its 2 PM where I am too. But its probably like 3 where you are now. Anyway, I like the song. Its awesome. I’m gonna download it.

And good luck with the talent show!