Monday, March 23, 2009

"Up & Go" The Starting Line


Going to the library. Going ot get some books. Rocking otu to my sick stereo shaking my whole house with my awesome bass stereo speaker thang my dad got out of the attic. My sister yelled at me because of it. My response: "The power of music be-yotch"

So I have a study in school now! Been writing during it. So good. Perfect.

I'm going to read The Great Gatsby so I have some references to talk about in the next rewrite of "Last Place." And my ideas are booming. I'm adding a new character. He's pretty sweet. I mean he's pretty cool. A cool dude. And I have a lot in store for the last ten chapters. A lot more to it. And more drama and angst. So if it took ten teenager's worth of drama and angst I'm bumping it up to like twelve or thirteen.

So yeah. My sister's BF sassed The Academy Is... and listens to Brokencyde. DO NOT LISTEN TO BROKENCYDE THEY ARE A LOAD OF HIPHOPSCREAMO CRAPOLAH! And I'm in a good mood. Blasting The Starting Line and preparing for an all out Santi-fest again. Then again I might go for a Fast Times At Barrington High-fest. Or An Almsot Here-fest. Maybe an all out Academy Is... fest.

I'm happay.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

WEE THE LIBRARY! I still hadn't gotten a card yet. ._.

Anyways, I want a cool stereo. I don't even own any CDs (though, I burned my whole playlist that I had like 2 years ago or something. WHICH REMINDS ME. I'm gonna download those songs into my computer again. Maybe. I think half of those songs are like rap and stuff. Bahaaa.). And o bby. I have to do some studying too. I failed this quiz THAT I TOOK ONLINE. Geez. I hate them cause I always think they'll fuck up and not take my grade like they always do. But sadly. I guess she fixed it ... I got a 3/5. D;

AND SERIOUSLY. YOU NEED TO POST THAT REWRITE. I'm so excited. And another character. Is he gonna try to steal Elisa? D;

Cause he's all sweet and stuff ... humm.

And lolololll. I think I listened to Brokencyde before. I don't think I liked them because I don't really remember listening to them but I remember seeing the name. Then again, I don't remember anything. It took me an hour to find my phone but it turned out that I left it in the front pocket of my binder because I didn't want to drop it the stairs. O BBY.

YOU MAKE ME HAPPY. WHETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOW. WE SHOULD BE HAPPY. THAT'S WHAT I SAID FROM THE START somethingsomethingidontevenknowifigotthebeginningrightweeeee.
