Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Hayley" Empires


I just got two Sarah Dessen books for 99 cents each and a scarf! And I'm finally getting to be accepted on the boards :)

But listen to "Hayley" by Empires
So good.

Jasey Ray


never-explore said...

WTF. You lucky bitch. XD

I want another scarf so bad. I only have 3. And I wear them everyday and people are starting to go, "Didn't you wear that on Monday?" Pff, whatever. All the scarfs that I see at the mall now have freaking peace signs on it (no offense if you like those. xD).

OH AND. I forgot where. I think it was in history on Friday. But we were taking a test and there was a quote and the quote was by, "William Bennett" and I was like. 'O LAWL'. And the sub was like talking about a friend and everyone was making fun of his 'Ford' name and she was like, "You don't want to mess with him. He's really big.' And then for some reason I got Paul in my head ... yeah. Major PerfectKisses/LastPlace'ness in thurr.

And boards? Like forum boards? xD

Lmao. Okay. PEACCEEE.

Jasey Ray said...

" All the scarfs that I see at the mall now have freaking peace signs on it (no offense if you like those. xD)."

hahaha thats the one i got hahahahaha

and yeah the boards are the academy is... message boards. they used to liek hate me so i made a new username and went on and they liek me now :) which is good because they used to tease my stupid comments :[

never-explore said...

For some reason. I thought that was what you got. A peace printed scarf. Just a feeling. xD

I don't mind them but they look weird on me so I hate them. xD

That didn't make sense, lmao. I DONT MIND THEM BUT I HATE THEM.

Like plaids. I love plaids but I hate them cause they make me look even shorter. But I love plaid scarves. Yessss.

Anyways. D:
Those meanies.

There was this girl on this forum I joined. We were friends but then she got on my nerves. And me and some other "friends" of hers and like drove her out the forum (well, we did it thorugh MSN) and then she was gone for a couple of months (August). Okay. Let me just say that she REALLY like killed me. She stressed me out so much and I was pissed. I hated her. And then she came back in January. I ... became friends with her again along with this other girl. Well, I started hating them both. They were like fucking annoying and the girl (the one that came back, lets call her V) was like completly copying me. Using words that I use. Smilies. My avatar and siggy. Omfg. And then she posted this thing about me on a site. Its like, a secret type thing. You take a screenie, write a secret on it, and then its posted. AND THAT GOT ME SO PISSED OFF. I blocked them on MSN and blah blah. I was going crazy. And then I became friends with the girl that was friends with V again. We weren't as tight anymore but anyways. So one day, V decided to post a secret about a mod on the forum. And everyone was like, "WHOEVER POSTED THAT IS GONNA GET BANNED.' and I knew she posted that cause she posted that she said that she posted it on this other forum that I also happen to be apart of. And I was like, 'O BITCH. YOU'RE STUPID' and I linked that post to the admin and she got her ass kicked off the site.


Ahaha yeah.. just thought that would be an interesting story to tell. I am not ... that mean. BUT I HATED HER. Gah. Alot of people hated her. I made the community better. ^^


I IS A BITCH. obby.

But seriously, I am only when people get on my nerves and are meanies. : D