Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Folkin' Around" Panic at the Disco


So there's been a lot going on in my life. I'm uber-busy and stuff. My love got a haircut and he looks like he did in high school. I've rewritten a chapter in "Perfect Kisses" three times now and am only halfway or 1/3 of the way done. Ooof.

But I'm going to go downstairs. Pour myself some ginger ale. And start working on "Last Place" of which I decided I'm going to make it until she talks to Bennett first in English class and then start posting it. Which I am uber-excited about.

I fell in love with a man named Kevin Devine and BAM! I start writing and Bennett Williams just comes out. Although his voice sounds nothing like the Bennett Williams voice I have in my head but the words and everythign are so Bennett it's ridiculous.

Also William Beckett may/may not break off and do his own solo work. I don't know how I feel because I am fucking in love with Mike Carden and pretty much the rest of the band but when it comes to my favorite members it goes:
and as much as I love all of them dearly I think that it would be a good thing for William. But he better not pull some shitty move and abandon the band and what not. I would shoot that guy in the face. (Sorry Billvy :[ ) But he better pull an Anthony Green and just put out an album tour for it and go right back to where he belongs with Circa Survive.

Check out Anthony Green. I had an Anthony Green listening party last night. Drew and awful picture of Butcher from the Academy Is... and sang along blasting it while my mother was in the other room listening and me not knowing it. She informed me to turn it down when he sang "Make sure all those mother-fucking boys know" but I didn't listen very much. I never do.

And while dueling her on Warped Tour and what not I am pretty sure I'll be able to go after remindign her I go for musical intentions only. Above the Influence. I'll be the noob in the crowd there for the music while my friends crowd surf and make vulgar comments at the attractive members of the bands. Or they'll just drag me to metal-head acts.

I hope Brokencyde isn't going.

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