Monday, March 16, 2009

"I'm A Sucker For Fakes" Forgive Durden


So my writing is suffering quite a bit lately. Due to the fact that yes- I have drama in my life. I was friends with this one girl and she keeps fucking up my life. And I can't stand her at all. I'm the worst at watching movies and having best friends. My past four have been total fails. One went crazy and moved school because she had no friends and goes to therapy a ton. One I don't talk to anymore. One is a complete bitch I've been bitter about for almost a year. And the last is my ex-boyfriend.

I'm a complete cynic. I don't believe in relationships at all. Despise anyone whose in one in my grade or needs a boy that bad. And I'm a hypocryte but it's better to admit it than just lounge around being a hypocryte and not knowing it.

But my writing seems very bitter. I try writing a lot when I'm not paying attention in French. But the girl who sits next to me kept talking about X-men taking it I had known what she was talking about. I was talking bout Fantastic Four (which is another movie I hevn't seen nor plan to). So I had to explain to her I don't know how to watch movies.

And so on. So my writing is going through a little bitter thing. Which is resulting in Paul Spinella acting really happy and everything. Which is a weirdweird outcome.

But Bennett and Rainie were going ot have like a bitch fight and I had to go in and fix it before it turned into something nasty. I needed to post a quick update and everything. Prove I'm not so worthless although I should be working on my English paper.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aww, I hope your life ... gets better. For me; I don't have a best friend. Since none of my friends have anything in common in me and they don't understand why I go on the computer and waste my life on it. ._.

I like Paul Spinella. Happy. Haha. Its cute. And I'd love for Bennett and Rainie to have a bitch fight.

But anyway, I hope life gets better for youu. (: