Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Woah (Me Vs Everyone)" Forever the Sickest Kids


So I went to Subway with my sister and started about my stories and I broke out all my metaphoric crap and my stories with a plot overview and everything and how combined "Last Place" and "Perfect Kisses" are combined. Which I never really realized.


Rainie and Paul breka up at first because he thinks she's cheating on him with other guys. GUYS being plural and meaning Bennett and her ex-boyfriend. And the when they break up again she goes with Bennett and he makes them get back together by getting punched and he ends up on the back porch where I pinpointed the moment he started liking Elisa. And then the night she goes to Bennett when she finds out Nathan cheats on her Rainie makes her think that maybe Bennett likes her. And she tlaks to Bennett and they fall in lvoe forever and ever. And then all of this stuff. And talking about it and explaining just helped everything. And it excites me. To keep writing and adpating it to fit my new ideas.

I never realized how metaphoric I am with all of my stuff. But I am in a sense just an insane writer chick. My parents don't believe me when I say I'm writing. They just say "Okay... whatever you say liar." And I'm like really I am. But I do hit the boards more frequently and get hooked on it more and make comments and see if anyone replies to it. But I'm moving onto my computer downstairs so that doesn't happen.

But I want my sister to read my stories so bad. She'd love them. I know it. But I just figure out a lot tlaking to her. I hate her half the time but I have too high standards for people. There only like two people I'm friends with I don't have anything about them I hate completely and need to learn how to tolerate. But I found my group. I'm happy. I went from having only my sister to a solid group of friends. And I'm really happy about that.

I'm going downstairs to write now. Peace.

Listening to Empires, Armor for Sleep, Kevin Devine and Remember Maine which means....

Interrupted by getting my AP magazine.... Peace

Jasey Ray

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