Friday, March 6, 2009

"Wonderwall" Oasis


So picture this. Me: mother's F150 at gasstation. Mother: gettign gas. Radio: Starts playing "Wonderwall."

I feel liek a third wheel on these thigns soemtimes. "Wonderwall" is Rainie and Paul's song and when I head it it's like it's my own song. And I get all smiley and turn it up and listen. Only to get interrupted by my mother climbing in to find her debit card in the middle of the breakdown.

But yeah, that's my creepy writer moment today.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Haha, I feel that. Well, when I hear my favorite song or something. But then it gets overplayed and I start hating it. Fail.

But anyway, I remember one time, I helped my friend pick out a song for her Fanfic couple. It was Thunder (by BLG) and then the next day she was going crazy because she heard it on the radio. Hehe